Scrim tonight

i just loaded up steam and the server isnt password protected is the scrim over, and what is a scrim anyway i figured it would be all e eg and ego people but there are alot of other people on there too
@ bruce, scrims are little get togethers that we have as a way of having fun while making friends and such, its like an exclusive party for only members of eGO and sometimes there are dogtags up for garbs or sometimes its just a social hour. hope that was clear enough for ya, if you need to know more or dont understand something pm me.
aww man saosin. give us a heads up a few days early so we can actually make it to the scrim. ive wanted to go to one for a while now.

so how did it go?
I showed up right after it was over and enjoyed playing with all the scrim residue we had filling up the kettle server. :D
lol @ blazing those are the drawbacks of being in an american clan when you live in europe. but i have to agree we should be nice and accomidate our european friends.
[quote1188249590=Bruce Campbell]
ok cool, so its only for ego then
*Sigh* ...No, it's only for members of eGO. Meaning, it's only for eGOs, eGs, and there are always a few reserved spots for es. No pubbers.

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