tattoo work


I made one post
So whos all got tattoos and is in to tattooing? I firgured I would start a thread for everyone to show off their artwork. (I hope I put this in the right place, if not please let me know)

Anyway here is some of the work on me.








let me know what you think
Cool tattoos!

I'm designing my own tattoo right now.

It's gonna be Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor on one of my shoulders.

The design I drew up is looking pretty awesome... well, in my opinion anyway.
nice work guys. and yeah not everyone likes tats. to each their own. its an adiction. Its a good pain, it hurts sooo good lol
I don't have any tattoos but I intend to get at least one sometime here in the next few years. I want it to just be a black rectangle. And I'll just stick it somewhere. For people to be like " it? It's just a black rectangle bar thing?" and I'll be like "Yep."
[quote1188360547=[REB]P.T. Flea]
I don't have any tattoos but I intend to get at least one sometime here in the next few years. I want it to just be a black rectangle. And I'll just stick it somewhere. For people to be like " it? It's just a black rectangle bar thing?" and I'll be like "Yep."

You could also do a creepy, little flinch after they ask you just to scare 'em!
Hell, I didn't think any of mine hurt. It hurts for like 5 seconds before the adrenaline kicks in. After that it's enjoyable.

it dont hurt at first, but once your 3-4 hours into it, it starts to hurt lol. my collar bone really hurt, and my chest didnt feel all that good either lol
Eh, not a big fan of tattoos. I would never get one and I've never seen one that actually made someone look better than they did before. I'm pretty 'meh' when it comes to jewelry, too.

It is especially sad when you see someone with a really poorly drawn or ill-conceived tattoo and they just don't realize it/won't admit it, though.

[quote1188411169=[REB]P.T. Flea]
I don't have any tattoos but I intend to get at least one sometime here in the next few years. I want it to just be a black rectangle. And I'll just stick it somewhere. For people to be like " it? It's just a black rectangle bar thing?" and I'll be like "Yep."

No no no, just say it's a birthmark, not a tattoo.