DoD:S Anti-Recoil Hack

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November Foxtrot

I made one post
I asked about this a few times on the Donner server after seeing some people handling the HMGs better standing than most people do prone, but never got any response from anyone as to whether or not there actually is a hack/cheat that enables someone to do this.

So I did my own research.

I found a forum with a thread (and attached file) that claims you can prevent weapon recoil by running an .exe file. I haven't actually tested it (and wouldn't want to on the off-chance VAC detects it or it's a virus/trojan), but it's at least potentially confirming my suspicion that this kind of undetectable hack/cheat is out there.

Anyone else seen it around?
IM not sure about the .exe file...

BUt i know "RAMBO mg's" the guys who run and shoot have thier mouse sensitivity all the way up and it work pretty well when you get good at it.

I tryed it for a while until Exploding bananna stoped me in my tracks :O
VAC will eventually catch it. All is checking in the memory address space dod:s uses and monitors/replaces dods data with it's own. These hacks are easily monitored and found by VAC. There are also server system checks which can force users to fire at a point - and verify that the user has recoil.

There are also subtle tricks too which professional players use. One "recoil reset" trick for the support gun is to fire once while crouched... then move to the side slightly and fire again giving a 0.3 second gap. The second bullet will also be dead on and will not encounter the standard inaccurate repeated shot algorithm.
[quote1188491347=November Foxtrot]
I asked about this a few times on the Donner server after seeing some people handling the HMGs better standing than most people do prone, but never got any response from anyone as to whether or not there actually is a hack/cheat that enables someone to do this.

So I did my own research.

I found a forum with a thread (and attached file) that claims you can prevent weapon recoil by running an .exe file. I haven't actually tested it (and wouldn't want to on the off-chance VAC detects it or it's a virus/trojan), but it's at least potentially confirming my suspicion that this kind of undetectable hack/cheat is out there.

Anyone else seen it around?

Jack your sensitivity up when mg-ramboing. Its easy as heck to control it that way. Its almost as good as the stg44, but with no reload.
Actually, yeah, I have seen the hack. The kid was running around with MG and he'd have no recoil. Like 4 or 5 of us spec'd him and watch it.

He still sucked.
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