Well, the game didnt go too well.....

Dr. Knocker's[DAM]

Poster Extraordinaire
Well as some of you read, I had my very first varsity football home game on friday, so I thought I'd let you know how it went. The first quarter was AWESOME. I scored to of our three touchdowns and boy was i ON that night. I don't want to brag but I was an animal for the first half. The second quarter was a little tougher, our first string QB got hurt, so the 2nd string came in and kind of screwed up some stuff....Sorry Brent but it's tru(<<<our 2nd string QB)...So we went in at half-time, I was pumped to get back out there and the score was still 21-14 us. So it was 3rd quarter, I was having aan awesome time out there, sent three of their players off on stretchers =P. I'm not kidding. But anyway, 3rd quarter stil, I rushed the qb but my other teammate got their first and cause a fumble. I grabbed the ball, adrenaline pumping like crazy, my legs started to pump and WHAM!!! I don't have any idea where he came from but their MASSIVE safety nailed me by his hielmet at my legs. Dear mother *pearl* it was the worst hit ever. As soon as he nailed me i felt my leg pop and like extreme pain went up my leg. It was crazy!! So now, I'm out of the entire season but Im lucky as, well really lucky :), because the doctor said by next year I can play again. So by my freshmen year of college, I'll be able to play ball again. But man im praising the lord that I wsnt hurt worse. That hit couldve done me in for life. So yeah, just thought I'd tell you what went down last night.
It's always touch and go for football or hockey. Just a simple tackle or check can mess up a person's spine or and put them in a wheelchair.

You were very lucky.
Dang man, our first game was yesterday. I dont play im in the marching band but we won 26-16 well you can stop sniping me on strand =P
Oh I know I'm sooo lucky like seriously that could've ended my entire sports career. Hopefully I can mayb have a shot at a scholarship, there were three scouts at that game. And aha I think I'll keep sniping everyone on strand :)
Yeah that's good to hear that you didn't get hurt too bad. And good job on that first half of the game. just try to stay healthy and watch for those guys comin outta nowhere blindside and you'll be NFL in no time.
Ouch man that really sucks about you getting hurt. At least it wasnt as bad as it could have been. The last thing you want is a limp for the rest of your life because of a football game.

What exactly happened to your leg that would put you out for 10 weeks?
Oh he nailed the side of my knee and did a ton of crap to it. I don't really know exactly what happened to my knee, I was so out of it when the doc was talking to me :)
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Yeah they really stink, especially since it was THE FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON GAHHHHHH but at least I can play next year though.

Hey look on the bright side!

I was looking forward to highschool football so much when I was in middle school. I went to all the camps, weight training, and all that other stuff. But when I went to get my physical they said my knees were too bad for me to play any sports at all! But you know, a lot of good came out of this mishap. I realized the importance in school work (mainly because I didn't have anything else to do).