Well as some of you read, I had my very first varsity football home game on friday, so I thought I'd let you know how it went. The first quarter was AWESOME. I scored to of our three touchdowns and boy was i ON that night. I don't want to brag but I was an animal for the first half. The second quarter was a little tougher, our first string QB got hurt, so the 2nd string came in and kind of screwed up some stuff....Sorry Brent but it's tru(<<<our 2nd string QB)...So we went in at half-time, I was pumped to get back out there and the score was still 21-14 us. So it was 3rd quarter, I was having aan awesome time out there, sent three of their players off on stretchers =P. I'm not kidding. But anyway, 3rd quarter stil, I rushed the qb but my other teammate got their first and cause a fumble. I grabbed the ball, adrenaline pumping like crazy, my legs started to pump and WHAM!!! I don't have any idea where he came from but their MASSIVE safety nailed me by his hielmet at my legs. Dear mother *pearl* it was the worst hit ever. As soon as he nailed me i felt my leg pop and like extreme pain went up my leg. It was crazy!! So now, I'm out of the entire season but Im lucky as, well really lucky , because the doctor said by next year I can play again. So by my freshmen year of college, I'll be able to play ball again. But man im praising the lord that I wsnt hurt worse. That hit couldve done me in for life. So yeah, just thought I'd tell you what went down last night.