Little Timmy mheer

Hy! Sum of u no me but thoze who dont I am Tek Sgt. Starbuk's adopted son. I am half veetnamese, half Columbeen, half koreen, and a cupple of other halvs. Daddy Starbuk is reel gud to me but duznt let me on the compooter much. He fell asleep watching a movy where the girls culd not affoord many cloths. Daddy is unhappy. his pooter is old and slow an he needs a new 1. He has been sick and cant afford a new one. you peeple all seem 2 bee rich. can you buy him a neew alien where or give him money too make a new one? Daddy starbuk cries hisself to sleep at nite because he cant afford a new compooter. It makes me sad. hee is so gud to me. gotto go. he's waking up. Dont let him no i was on his pooter. k?

Little Timmy
O ya,
and thancks to unkle slayr and ant FluFy for teaching mee to spel gud. Unkle Jon T say I'll bee a gud lawyer cause i can runn as fast as a amboolance.

Master, Love your avatar!
I also apologize for Little Timmy getting into my account and posting. His spelling is getting better though. Thanks Slayr and Fluffy

I thought Timmy died a while back and Tech needed money for the funeral?

The little brat costed me $200 bucks last time!! ~:(