recent movies you've watched

-=KA=- Lifter

Thread Thumper
I don't watch movies that often anymore, but sometimes I'll go check something out if it looks good. I've gotten into watching seasons of tv shows lately, but I might have to start a new topic for that...

Live Free or Die Hard was pretty cool, had a nice amount of action. I couldn't help but notice how many times he had an opportunity to grab a better weapon - but stuck with his handgun.

Transformers was disappointing... I've been a fan of the cartoon since I was a kid, and I've probably seen the movie about a hundred times. "Prepare for extermination."

Rush Hour 3 wasn't as good as I'd hoped either, I thought the 2nd Rush Hour was much better.
Haha Baron.

Just some quick thoughts about some movies I've seen recently, not an indepth analysis or anything.
Oh I just saw Bourne Ultimatum. Not bad at all, some of the stuff he does is a lilttle far-fetched, but it's pretty much edge of your seat the whole time. It's a good escape from the real world. :)
Yeah, I've heard the Bourne movies have some good action in it. For some reason I haven't seen any of them yet.
Let's see..
Ratatoullie(sp?): Really enjoyed it.
Knocked Up: Pretty funny
Chuck and Larry: Funnier than people make out. Some really funny parts.
Live Free or Die Hard: Liked it. Action ftw.
Superbad: Hilarious
Bourne Ultimatum: Pretty good. Though, open ending.. Stupid fourth book.
Rush Hour 3: Mediocre. Not the best. Funniest part was the outtakes.
Simpsons: Awesome. "I like men now".. so many good quotes.
Transformers: I enjoyed it... but I went in expecting total crap.
Pirates of the Carribean: Not as good as the others. But I did enjoy the semi-hidden referances to the ride. I'm a big disneyland buff (season pass) so that was pretty funny.
Ocean's Thirteen: Way better than Ocean's Twelve. Maybe better than first. Thoroughly enjoyed.
Spiderman 3: Emo-spidey... lol

I can't remember if I've seen anymore movies :\
The Bourne Ultimatum was very good.
Transformers was not good, but not bad.
Rush Hour 3 was bad.
Oceans 13 was boring.
Spiderman 3 was good.
It's not really a movie but i really love the Band of Brothers series. I've seen em 3 times now and everytime i see them i get goosebumps about what happend to those guys..

Movies i love are The Simpsons, Transformers, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas! Thats the best cult movie i've ever seen!
Potc 3: 10/10
The Simpsons: 10/10
Mr Bean Vacation: 9+/10
Idiolution: 7½/10

And loads of others, but I can't remember them all right now.