Contact Information

Name: saOssssssssssiiiiiiiiNNN aka Kyle

E-Mail: yeah i dont think so...

AIM: nope
MSN: nope
Yahoo: uh uh
XFire: saOsiN242
Name: Mike Mulvey
User: SKaREO

E-Mail: [email protected]


Feel free to add me to your friends on those sites and on steam friends. :)

More Info: Hi there, I'm also new to the servers and forums. Great community, I like playing with you guys a lot. I've been playing FPS games since Wolf3D came out, and I've been into Valve games since 1999. I do web design, flash design and programming. If you want to contact me, feel free to reach me, I always like to meet new people. See you on the servers and forums!

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