[poll] New KALT v. Orange Poll


EGO Is My Life!
We are having a hard time figuring out which to keep.

There has been no clear majority. Kalt has the Edge in a plurality...but there are about 10-15 people who voted for both that commented they would want to keep Orange if they had to make a choice.

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I think we should try to keep both, but i favor kalt, I'm not a big fan of the orange maps. But that's just my opinion
Just out of curiosity - is kalt the least favorite map of the clan? Because personally I was hoping to see

"try to keep both, I prefer kalt, but Ide rather keep kalt and orenge over any of the other maps including camp2" lol
By the way, I see a big white square under your post JohnT but I do not see a link, or add.
If absolutely neccesary, we could set one night a week on the KK server to feature orange maps. But I wouldn't allow the KK server to run them any more often than that. The server serves a different purpose and a different crowd typically.
I try to get into Orange maps but I end up playing for 2 min and I get out cuz i dont find the fun.
i like orange maps, but i would never want to see them on Kustom Kettle. It just doesn't sit well. KK's purpose is for true custom maps and it is typically geared only for that purpose. just my opinion.
[quote1188851208=ROCKET CHUMP]
I would say keep kalt and get rid of that server, then put orange maps in roations in our other Kustom Kettle
Same concept but i think it should be reversed. The kalt map is in the ranks, but look at how the orange map took off. I think it should be a 24/7 kalt and orange map. ex. Orange_fight then next map is kalt then orange_indoor and so on...
Here's my $0.02

I don't think we should get rid of orange maps. Every time I play on the orange server it fills up real quick and people stay to play for a while. Obviously some people are possessed by demons and actually like kalt (only joking :p) so I would say getting rid of kalt is a bad idea. I think, as has been suggested, that we take some of the Orange maps and put them on the other KK server which FINALLY has some more kustom maps on it (I'm still shocked that nobody has played on or heard of those maps, they've been out for ages on 99% of all servers out there). That way, we can expand the rotation on the Kustom kettle server and still keep some Orange maps which personally I like a lot.....I'm also working on an Orange map myself so ya :D
Here's my $0.02

I don't think we should get rid of orange maps. Every time I play on the orange server it fills up real quick and people stay to play for a while. Obviously some people are possessed by demons and actually like kalt (only joking :p) so I would say getting rid of kalt is a bad idea. I think, as has been suggested, that we take some of the Orange maps and put them on the other KK server which FINALLY has some more kustom maps on it (I'm still shocked that nobody has played on or heard of those maps, they've been out for ages on 99% of all servers out there). That way, we can expand the rotation on the Kustom kettle server and still keep some Orange maps which personally I like a lot.....I'm also working on an Orange map myself so ya :D

if you read acouple posts up, spetz already addressed this issue.

If absolutely neccesary, we could set one night a week on the KK server to feature orange maps. But I wouldn't allow the KK server to run them any more often than that. The server serves a different purpose and a different crowd typically.

(I'm still shocked that nobody has played on or heard of those maps, they've been out for ages on 99% of all servers out there). [/quote1188852781]

that's not really true and as I mentioned in your other post, there's many new players to source who are not familiar with DoD 1.3 and it's custom maps. This is a new experience for many.

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