We are having a hard time figuring out which to keep.
There has been no clear majority. Kalt has the Edge in a plurality...but there are about 10-15 people who voted for both that commented they would want to keep Orange if they had to make a choice.
Perhaps, but signing up with your secondary email account for this LAW ENFORCEMENT information packet, you might just have your dreams answered. And EdgeGamers.....
By the way, we have about 25 members here who are either in or connected to Law Enforcment in some way or NURSING So fill it out all the 3 steps below:
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There has been no clear majority. Kalt has the Edge in a plurality...but there are about 10-15 people who voted for both that commented they would want to keep Orange if they had to make a choice.
Perhaps, but signing up with your secondary email account for this LAW ENFORCEMENT information packet, you might just have your dreams answered. And EdgeGamers.....
By the way, we have about 25 members here who are either in or connected to Law Enforcment in some way or NURSING So fill it out all the 3 steps below:
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