[poll] dod_orange_DARK_corridors is RELEASED!

This is the dark version of my map. I'm currently having major light_environment troubles but this is out for now. Please test this map (not on the server) and tell me what you think.

To see it in its entirety, do this in console....sv_cheats 1, mat_fullbright 1
This will allow you to see no lights making it very easy to see the map.

Please use this one instead of acids. he needs some work on that map everytime it gets to it people complain.
I'm pretty sure you can turn your brightness higher, unless its already on the highest setting. That's what I did when I had trouble seeing the germans in the apts of ava
Well, it's not the brightness of my computer, it's there's no lighting in the corridors...Also, thanks for the awesome feedback on the dark version. :D

I honestly didn't think people would like it as much as a lighter version. o_O
I like the darker :]

BUt hey maybe there can be 2 version of the map.... like DAy time and night time...

Wow i think i might be getting on to something. WE should have night time version of all maps and play them night time pacific time :O !

that maybe over doing it though O-o ?

Aside that you make some cool maps :]
[quote1189043790=SoMe Slavik DudE]
I like the darker :]

BUt hey maybe there can be 2 version of the map.... like DAy time and night time...


Lol, you do know that I did say this was the darker version right?

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