HELP! Can't play! What's going on?!?! Steam says drivers out of date but...


Forum Fiend
This is edited so disregard the following two replies of mine.

I ran the STEAM diagnostic and it said...

Display drivers: Failed
Your nVidia display drivers are currently out of date
For updated drivers, click here
Display Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Display Version:
Recommended Driver Version: 91.47
Recommended Driver Date: 09/01/2006
Severity: Very High

My drivers are NEWER than those, so why is it saying they are out of date? I uninstalled all nvidia stuff, and reinstalled, and nothing is working. DOD will not launch!

Here are screens of the crash. The splash screen comes up (without the options to click such as Find Servers, Options, etc.), and when the menu options are about to appear the game crashes to the desktop with these errors.


uninstalled through STEAM and reinstalled....same problem

im pretty computer literate, tried reinstalling graphic drivers also

any ideas?
I found this thread about a whole bunch of people having the same issue. Perhaps your solution is somewhere inside.

[link=hyperlink url][/link]
What did you add or change?
Could it be system memory failure?
Can you run a memory diagnostic?
Try This >>> [link=hyperlink url][/link]
Does any other program fail to run or start?
Try removing your memory and reinstalling it ( re seat your RAM )
Good Luck
sounds like that error is with hl2.exe so if you "reinstalled steam" by overinstalling it onto itself you basically did nothing. You should uninstall steam and its games and components and then reinstall it into a different directory (to ensure that no files carry over)
the only thing that was changed was I installed bioshock. I'm not even going to get into the issues with that game...

Anyways, I uninstalled and reinstalled STEAM and all is well now.

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