New Avatar

Hey everyone, I was thinking about making myself a new avatar but I thought it would be cooler if someone made one for me :) . I like my punching kitty avatar A LOT!, so it will take an awesome avatar to make me switch :p Be creative !amazed I just thought an avatar from another a clan member would make it cooooler :D
Well outbreak, If YOU wanted to make me a gif, I wouldnt mind :) .....hmmm....lets see, I think id want an American soldier in a Wal-Mart vest, with the little ear piece, night stick and such (security guard looking :p) and have him on a computer playing DoD :p, like from a side shot or something, but for making him move, I guess you can have his arm moving the mouse and his fingers moving on the keyboard or something.....just, mess with it i guess :D (please and thank you) (or just think of something cool, if you have a better idea for what to do)
Oh no! Punching kitten is the greatest! "Take that! And that! And that! And that, come on! Bang! Smack! I don't quit!" But Outbreak's gif's are a close runner up ;)
Ill PM you a pic of me outbreak

PS: its going to take a lot to make me change my punching cat, I sure do like it and all :) ....of course, If I like the avatar your going to make me outbreak, I could always put the punching kitty in my sig so I can still use it :D