Hey Guys, Gals, and Slayr....

I know I've been MIA for a couple of weeks in game. I had to go back to Michigan to help out with my Dad. When I got back, there were some computer issues. I uninstalled Steam, and a bunch of other programs... In the end, the final decision was that my computer was pretty much toast. So.. For the next week, I'll be getting components in the mail, and handing them to my blonde computer monkey to piece together. I'll probably be out of DoD for about another week. By next Friday, I should be back in the game, and sending out my special delivery pineapples in person.

So... While I won't be playing for another week, I'll still be on the forums checking out the latest happenings.

Shovel huggles to the grapefruits. The Pineapples can keep things going strong while I'm on an unwilling vacation.

[quote1189209171=Baron Rojo]
FLUFFY!! = )
we will be waiting = )
and the pineapples are stronger than ever = )

Pineapples FTW!

I'll be waiting aswell.
omg i thought you were dead i just lost 10 bucks .... TO MYSELF lol


Anyway, I hope you get back soon fluffy. Your poor excuse for an empire has fallen apart with out their leader, maybe when you return the UGSR will have a challenge for once.
FLUFFY........man i missed playin with u in Donner now i have to deal with LT Wolf and MrBuckets alone can wat to play with u again see in Donner
mmmm great fluffy is back, well at least like thor said UGSR might have a challenge

Shovel huggles to the grapefruits. The Pineapples can keep things going strong while I'm on an unwilling vacation.



I'll try not to party-crash your DoD home-coming. o_O


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