B Baron Rojo EGO Is My Life! Sep 8, 2007 #1 well i have a few nice Screen shots = ) BUCKETS OF FUN!!! My 4 nade kill YEA!!! and our WIN!!!!
B blackhawksniper EGO Is My Life! =(e)= Sep 8, 2007 #2 hahaha eGO ownage as usual p,s, I got the same mg42 skin!!!
R ROCKET CHUMP EGO Addict Sep 8, 2007 #3 [quote1189299983=blackhawksniper] p,s, I got the same mg42 skin!!! [/quote1189299983] Same here!
S sugafree EGO Zealot Sep 8, 2007 #4 you know how eGO does it!!!....eG's Im sorry prepare to lose the dogtag
D Dr. Knocker's[DAM] Poster Extraordinaire Sep 9, 2007 #6 Man I wish I could've stayed. Looked like fun.
D Dekline [JONES] Poster Sep 9, 2007 #9 XO, over half of the e's that are in the scrim ive never seen before lol
A Alias[DAM] Poster Extraordinaire Sep 9, 2007 #14 Gj eGO's now your up to the task to finish the eG's... Or the other way around.. See you guys in-game tonight and we'll know
Gj eGO's now your up to the task to finish the eG's... Or the other way around.. See you guys in-game tonight and we'll know