
RoM - [TR]

Thread Junky
we've been talking on teamspeak and i came up with the idea about playing risk so we went to kendle's website (www.kendlesworld.com) but found out that its network(LAN), hotseat or single player. then i went to the wiseman of our age: Google.com and asked him "Risk Online" and he gave the answer:


right now we're playing a 4 player game with Crazy Duck(the host), CausalSpark, me and blackhawksniper.
Man this is so good. Even though Causalspark got me with 11 against 14 on north africa vs congo and blackhawk just got all aisa(well i still have europe though, or do i?)
You guys sound like youre having fun on TS. Havent had a conversation like the ones im hearing in over a decade... its sad. i can say decade.
we declared tie between Causalspark and blackhawksniper.
Causalspark(4 armies) vs Me(10 armies)= causal owns...
causal(11) me(14)=causal owns
causal(1) crazyduck(4)= causal owns...

result Causal hacks :D
I think this was that game too: Hmmm, i gotta play these risk cards, but dont have any good matches. Risk cards used, 54 armies to deploy.
lol i had one territory: india with 5 armies. 3 blue Cards turned in => 38+5 armies hehe :D

RoM: Hey guys refresh and look at india...
blackhawk+causal: NO WAY!!!
lol good times
i had the whole world apart from south america and i had 68 armies next to it. so i won. :) MWAHAHA, THE HARVEST IS COMPLETE, i now have enough souls to power a machine powerful enough for my conquest to expand throughout the universe!
....oh.....I thought this thread was going to be about a Megadeth album.....

......*mop walks away slowly while humming "Crush'em"*.....
I played yester day with Casualspark and Natima. I liked it, and i played it real life a lot. I still lost but i'll try again. Maybe we can play sometime RoM?
[quote1189544945=RoM - [TR]]
we declared tie between Causalspark and blackhawksniper.
Causalspark(4 armies) vs Me(10 armies)= causal owns...
causal(11) me(14)=causal owns
causal(1) crazyduck(4)= causal owns...

result Causal hacks :D

Remember the one where my one guy took on thirteen of your guys on Greenland? I don't know how I defended against that many men.