Kustom Kettle Server...my thoughts.


Forum Fiend
As a preface, I'd like to say that I put this in general since it's sort of clan-related in a larger sense than just server-related, at least in my opinion...

When the CAMP2 pack was all that was on it, the server was very popular it seemed. Maybe not as popular as the other servers, but I could get on at 8AM EST and within half an hour we'd be at 16 or more players. It was full often during peak hours. I played on this server only during most of July, from the CAMP2 release day until about August 4th when I left for vacation.

Now that I'm back, the server never seems to be above 12 or so people. The maps, such as small hill, and others, are no fun in my opinion. This is no offense to the makers of these maps, but they are just poorly designed, wide-open field battles. I miss going from Stug to Aura to Tunisia, then to the meatgrinder of Crash and then to Churchyard and then back again. Those maps, with the exception of Churchyard and Crash, were simply amazing. I wish we could have a server with just Stug, Aura, and Tunisia. I can't tell you how often people talked about how much they loved those maps while we were playing.

I never hear that anymore on the Kustom Server.

Again, this is all just the opinions of one crazy clown, but take it for what it's worth. For now I think I'll be going back to Donner or Kalt and make one of those my home again.

I love EGO! :)
When the server was running the CAMP 2 pack exclusively, after a month of the same maps the players still started to drop. Players were getting tired of just CAMP 2 maps. One thing to remember... the map rotation will always change. Some maps will be removed, and others will be added. As I have said before, give it some time. SpetzNaz is very busy and it takes a lot of time for him to look over and review material for the servers.

I personally enjoy all of the maps, each one is different in it's own way. Some are great for close combat, others more tactical and teamplay. Players do not give them a chance. They are either unaware of the custom maps, or do not want to take a few minutes and learn them. The CAMP 2 maps are still in the rotation... if you want to play them, VOTE!
For some of the players who tend to stray from the Kettle, drop by sometime. Many of the players will point you in the right direction when playing a map for the first time. ;)
I know a lot of people don't like Smallhill and convoy, but I love them! The fog and the darkness make them the best maps to sneak through and knife people! But I understand what you're saying, Ram.
I kinda agree with ramatheson...don't get me wrong, I love having plenty of options for new maps, I like them all (some more than others). But it seems having too many maps on the rotation kinda empties the servers at times.
Yeah, I do like experimenting with new maps, but after a while of a huge map rotation, I don't want to have to wait 5 or 6 maps before I get to my favorite. Thats just my opinion.
I like a lot of the maps on the server, Distraction is a great example. However, maps such as smallhilll are just ugly, boxy, and uncreative. I mean, it's just a field with a couple houses in it, really.

I actually do play on the kustom kettle server still only...my reaction saying I was going elsewhere was a bit of an overreaction. After I gave some of them a bit more time, they are okay.

However, having too many is just not a good idea. Having TOO many maps to learn makes new players stay away. It really should be limited to about 5 maps tops.

My dream server would be Aura, Stug, Tunisia, and Operation Distraction.
this should be an obvious point but it seems most of you have forgotten. But please remember that even though you may "hate" the map, another may "love" it. KustomKettle tries its best to serve the community by providing the best custom maps out there to reach the greatest number of people. It's almost impossible to create a rotation which pleases everyone. Furthermore, I realize that KustomKettle is making some of you make a huge step into the world of custom maps. Yes, it's different from your typical donner and ava. custom maps come in all sorts of environments, sizes, and atmospheres. It requires you to adapt to each map uniquely.

With that said, I suggest you give the new maps a bit more time. I remember back in DoD 1.3, I hated dod_tiger when it first came out. After a bit of time, I started to love it and it is now easily one of my favorite maps of all time. So give it some time, come to KK with an open mind and be willing to just have fun on the custom maps.

To address the amount of maps on rotation:

15 maps guys. It's only 15! Most custom map servers out there have a greater quantity of maps on their rotations than that. It's one of the reasons why Spetz reintroduced the voting system. My advice, be patient. If you're discouraged because you "don't know the map well enough", then go on the server and play more! !shy
I understand Whit. Some of these maps, like small hill and another (don't know name, basically just a long alley with some windows) are simply horrible. If these are considered "the best custom maps out there" then our means of evaluating that should be re-examined.

I know for a fact that when these maps come on, most hate them. Sure, there may be those that like them; however, it is usually maybe one or two out of about a dozen people that are playing.

If the point is to have a server with a bunch of maps, then fine. In my opinion though, we should have a server with just the GREAT ones in a rotation.

I mean, look...right now it's prime time. Every server is full (well, orange is at 27/32), but the kustom kettle is at ZERO. I can't play if there's no one else to play with. It's hard to get eight people on there, let alone a full server. A month ago, it was full quite often, or there was usually at least always a dozen or more people on.

I know it takes time to get things set, but really, does it take more than a week? If I had access, I could look right now and take the maps off that weren't doing so hot.

As far as a voting system, it is useless when 75% of the time there are less than the four people required to rock the vote and change the map.

I love Kustom Kettle. I just wish it was the server I fell in love with. Sure, the population may have dropped some after people got used to those maps, but a "drop" from 32/32 to 20/32 is better than being 0/32 at prime time on the weekend, isn't it?

If you look at popularity, the most popular (over the last week) are aura, churchyard, stug, crash, and tunisia. What are those maps? The CAMP2 pack.

If you look at population, it was consistently up and then down during off-peak hours. Starting around August 21st, it dropped off and has occasionally gone all the way up, but not hardly as much as before. Also, starting around the 21st, the server popularity dropped from like 50th place to about 125, and has settled now around 100th.

I'm not sure, but I'd guess the new maps were introduced around the 21st of August. Sure, new maps are great to try, but it's obvious that these ones are not popular.

BTW my stats are coming from http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Spetz put some new maps on the servers to give some variety. The server would stay full if a couple people joined it everyday, which would lure other players to the server.
I like some of the maps on the kk server, others, not so much. But I love convoy and foy. Convoy cuz it's small, and Foy cuz i like Band of Brothers : )
As Head Administrator for the Kettle, I will take a moment to address most of these points. First and foremost, thank you C-Whit, who articulated much of what I would have said anyway.

Anyway, to Shibby: I do not believe eGO has any plans to eliminate the Kettle server, but be aware, that if that were done, you would immediately lose approximately 10-15 members, and the server itself would simply re-locate, not close. The kustom kettle has existed for close to a decade now. It's not going anywhere.

Now, regarding the maps. Contrary to what some may believe, most of the maps on there are top-notch custom maps, but in different ways. You mention smalhill a lot, and so I will take a moment to point out that if you look at overall server listings, it's actually a very popular custom map.

The smaller maps, such as Convoy, are thee to appeal to the crowd that likes more intense, close combat. As C-Whit said, we are trying to appeal to a WIDE audience here.

AND, the reason for the map update at all was because the CAMP2 rotation did indeed run its course. Although you were on vacation, I can promise you that the server was completely empty for several weeks.

Regardless, it will AGAIN take time to get this server active and popular. You claim a week is pushing it? That's absurd.

The average new server introduced to a game outside of a major community (like eGO) can take MONTHS AND MONTHS to become popular. When the Kettle first launched many years ago, it took over 6 months to gain steam. Yet over the years, and by the time Source launched, we were the #1 custom map server, worldwide.

It will likely take a few more weeks, if not a month or two, to see the server full all the time. It's getting better literally as we speak.

And finally, to those that seem to dislike even having the server at all, might I remind the group that the Kettle introduced dod_strand here, which is now one of our absolute top servers. AND, we introduced Orange Maps, also now ridicolously popular.
Of course, much props to those that handle all of this stuff. This was all just my take on it, and yes, I did notice the server pop. going down a bit right before I left.

I just wanted to point out some things about how I was personally feeling and see what you guys thought.

I always try to do my part. For a couple weeks after CAMP2 was released, I was the first one on and playing on the server every morning just about, around 4am PST. I'd go around and explore the maps for 30-60 minutes by myself until people started coming, so I've helped out. I will still do that from time to time on the KK server, but for now, it's not really my cup of tea anymore with the maps that are there.

As I said, I'm a loyal eG and love EGO. I just wanted to start a discussion. :)

See you on the servers. :)

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