Well this is how I think it would go.
Intro: The Socom 3 intro music with the letters =(eGO)= on a blue waving flag.
"Welcome to the eGO clan! The most respected clan in DoD:S Here at the clan, things are free all around. Free membership, free admin, and free bullets <With a GMOD pic I would make of some guy getting shot>
While here you will join the elite many who have made the decision to be the pwner instead of the pwned. <Pictures would include a guy holding a live grenade with a stymied 'look' when pwned is said, and then someone sitting ontop of a pile of bodies when 'the pwner' is said>
Did you know statistically playing at any eGO server for a periodical amount of time will:
<On a white backround>
Increase your reflexes <Gmod pic of some guy with corss eyes and a stupid look on his face
Increase your accuracy with guns <Picture of some guy holding a gun backwards in his face>
And will help you get to know your fellow man <Picture of some guy getting kicked in the groin>
<Paused video>
Why just look at this young fellow who we'll call 'Mr E' He's been playing here for a full week, lets look at his honed skills.
<Video plays: Player goes up a ladder and gets shot when he lands. Then he throws a grenade that bounes off a wall right back at him. After this, the player looks at a german soldier and a US soldier fighting with fists and whatnot. He comes up to the two, and they both freeze and look at him. the narrator then says>
Well there Mr E, you've got a dilemma, who do you shoot? The guy who looks like a german. or the guy who doesn't? Thanks to the decision making skills you pick up at the eGO servers, Mr E can make a good decision. <He then shoots his ally, the american in the head, imeediately after this happens the screen goes black>
So, now that you've heard and seen what the eGO clan can do for you, why don't you drop on in? <In the backround it's the first american flag in Ava, and the player falls from the balcony and dies when the announcer says 'drop in'. After falling, the announcer says>
Well there! Seems our new recruit is very enthusiastic! Remember, join here <the link to the site> and step into the halls of the elite!
Roll credits.
Appreciate and consider it, this took me 15 minutes to wrtie