[poll] ÜÜber's computer!! All hail overclock!

ÜÜber Killer

I made one post
Dell Xps 410 core 2 duo e6300 overcloked at 3.00 megs per sec. This baby keeps cool at a nice 75-80 degreees with a zalman fan. nVidia 7900 GT. 3 gigs corsair pro memory. 750 gigs of hard-drive. Any questions? I dont think its half bad for a 13 year old
um im slightly confus4ed at some of your choices. Im gonna assume ur memory is DDR2? if so would it not be better to run 4 1 GB sticks as appose to three so that they can work in dual channel mode?

As for the CPU i am a little concerned 75-80 is very hot. I have an E6600 C2D and use a tuniq tower cooler and have overclocked it from 2.4 to 3.3 Ghx (26% or so) and generally it runs at 31 degrees idle and never abouve 40 full load.

Speaking of which have you fully stress tested the system?
Reasons I voted Terrible
#1 - Dell
#2 - Dell
#3 - overclocked to "3.00 megs per sec." - do you know what GHz means/.
#4 - 75-80 degrees is approaching safety hazzard. 80-85 is potential dammage treshhold for MOST* CPU's (reccommended)
#5 - memory is not in Dual Channel mode <see Jimb0_d's post above>
#6 - important details missing - even on the specs listed
Most importantly #7 - Dell
im talking about celcius, i always forget your crazy yankie measurements

(incitentally 31 º C = 87.8 º F)

oh and i forgot the obvius dell comments :p lol
Reasons I voted Terrible
#1 - Dell
#2 - Dell
#3 - overclocked to "3.00 megs per sec." - do you know what GHz means/.
#4 - 75-80 degrees is approaching safety hazzard. 80-85 is potential dammage treshhold for MOST* CPU's (reccommended)
#5 - memory is not in Dual Channel mode <see Jimb0_d's post above>
#6 - important details missing - even on the specs listed
Most importantly #7 - Dell

Huh? Dell make some of the best computers around.
Huh? Dell make some of the best computers around.

OMG your not even joking are you? Do you have any basis for this argument? The fact is that probably 80% or more of Dell motherboards are nothing more than ECS motherboards with a Dell BIOS and splash screen. Incase you dont know about motherboards ECS is the largest manufacturer in the world. They make cheap generic boards (some to order) that other companies (including those sold on NewEgg under different names) are just relabled ECS cheapo deluxo's where each company cuts different corners.

That is all Dell does, cuts corners to make abuck, sacraficing quality.

Second, I am an american, infact I live in the North East so when you say "yankee" your pretty much talking about me (unless we talk baseball, in which case yankees can go service a horse because Red Sox all the way) But I digress. CLEARLY when you talk about CPU temperatures, no matter what country you live in, you are talking about them in Celsius. I mean, even the person who began this thread, having no idea about how computers work at all must know this clear as glass fact. Despite the fact that he bought a dell, thinks processors are measured in mega bits per second, bothers having such a nice processor but keeps his memory in single channel mode, on top of paying tons of money for this system which he then brags about thinking how wonderfull it is - EVEN him, i would expect without hesitation to know that CPU Temp is measured in Celsius. If he was originally NOT talking about temperature in Celsius then if i were him i would rather people think i run my CPU hot then admit i spend so much money on a technology i dont know enough about to justify spending this kind of money on - let alone bragging about it.

Maybe I am being mean - if thats the case, pretend i was saying it with a smile in a sarcastic way that says ' hey i just gave you a hug over the internet' because its not my intent to be mean or make anyone feel stupid. I am just trying to be honest and let the truth be known, in a moderatly funny way. I really cant help it if one of my pet peaves is when people drop money on garbage and then braga bout how cool it is because they dont have enough cahones to say 'hey can someone help me learn more about (insert computer part or technology here) so that I can make an educated decision when I buy one' it just GRINDS MY GEARS (yeah i said it).... seriousely I should message JohnT or Dominion and see if I can get a new forum called "it grinds my gears".... and ALSO one called "I'm awsome enough to admit that I need help learning about computers"

If you or someone you love have been hurt or injured in a computer accident, please call Dell's hotline and speak with one of our deticated support technicians immediately. The call is free, the advice is free, why are you waiting? * *Phone call subject to the following terms: not availible in all areas, the call is free onyl if you live in a town or city ending with a J, you may have to hold on the line for 4 hours before talking to someone who speaks your language as their 3rd language, the call is actually not free we lied

I mean come on, how can you trust a company who ALMOST blatenly says in their commercials (but are carefull to not actually say it) that the number of clock cycles represents total computer speed. A company who while AMD was making faster and cheaper processors than intell at every price range and every power level decided to make a contract with intell to sell their crappier and more costly processors and boycot AMD. I am not saying that AMD always owned or manufactured the absolute best top of the line processors in all of history, just for the last 10 years untill core 2 came out (this topic will wait untill another unsuspecting thread). I bet, if Baron called Dell from columbia they would route him to sweedan, and if I flew to India and called Dell tech support they would patch me through to Ireland just to make sure that every country has an equal opportunity to talk to some other country's poor underpaid worker that reads from flash cards and speaks with an accent they cant understand.

But anyways, in conclusion to bring this all back to to ORIGINAL post,..... WTF is somebody doing overclocking their computer if they dont know that it runs in hertz? Just yesterday I was telling my freind bob how I wanted to tweak out my 1969 Boss Fastback to over 500 Donkey paces per bananas or (Dppb).

EDIT* It took me along time to type this, and looking back, he did not say mega bits per second he said "megs per second" instead of "GHz" although he didnt specify bits or Bytes, even if he meant hertz then that would still be 'mega herts per second'.... that Mega Hurts my brain to think about. a couple of days later and I am still tyring to think about what he could have meant... did he mean to say mega clock cycles per second?

PS, if this offends anyone or makes them feel uncomfortable PM me and I will modif it, it was meant as a joke, not as overly insulting.

If you think this was funny and want to hear about more things that GRINDS MY GEARS let me know, ide love to rant more. Affectionatly yours, Green_Mon-key
Yea man i think its time for a new computer
You'll be happy with the dod gameplay if you do.
I run the game past 1600x1200 and its soooo smoothe :)
hmm, i suggest dual channel. and 31c is not that bad for a full load. its decent. upgrade to 8series, and 9 series Nvidia are coming soon. New Mobo
[quote1191432834= EvIlEmPiRe |-Px-|]
Dang green monkey knows his stuff

Oh come on - I didnt even get technical. But Interestingly enough in my Computer engineering class right now we are talking about processor design. Our final project this semester will be to design our own processor, that sues our own instruction set, and make our own compiler to compile those instructions to the machine code that our processor uses. ::yikes:: - not to mention the computer science class I am taking called operating systems. We have to make a virtual machine and write a shell for linux (thats due in two weeks) I know our final project for that class will be huge but i dont quite know what it is yet.

Also let me add that I dont hate Dell. I have recommended them to my customers sometimes when it would be unjustified to have me build them one. Where you get you computer depends on many things. What I hate about dell is their advertising department, and the fact that they try to get people to buy their lowest quality computers. Dell isnt half bad when you customize the box and actually put decent parts in it. They just dont do that by default. AND - even when you put decent parts in - you still get limited motherboards and etc. You have to pay a pretty penny to get decent machines - at which points its much cheaper to build you own - or have someone build one for you. In gneral, I hate any company that doesnt care about their customers. But it does bother me when people say "Dell makes the ebst computers in the world" or "Intell is the best company" just because they grew up watching blue man group tell them to buy pentiums.

Consitter this - AMD never advertises, ever - they dont do it, not on tv not in magazines. They are the underdogs, less known, and yet they (untill recently) were gaining on intell in sales and in stock price. How does a company who never advertizes stay alive, and prosper? Oh yeah, they care about their consumers, and they make quality products. They refuse to make processors are usless as cellerons. Ahh i am ranting i have to stop.

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