Venting On courtisy

Gen. Sniper

Thread Junky
Most of you Guys know I play alot on the Donner server i won't say names becuse you know who you are. I asked for the sniper about 15 min before the reset and i said ok I will wait till the restart I wait then got on and 2 people took the snipper morbid being a great EG gave his up so I can get it the another person took it when someone asks for a wepon be courtious enough to give it to them or say I will give it up in a few not just jump in and take it. I'm not whining its just really starting to upset me. Why say I want a weapon when other just take it and don't say nothing its really sad. All I ask is Be Courtious Ok I vented thank you
Your not suppose to ask for a weapon over and over in the first palce, some people dont like it, but if someone was courtious enough to give a weapon to another person, let the person who was asking for it have the weapon, dont take it from behind there back if you weren't asking for it
ok no problem understand I guess its been diffent on the donner because me and others have said who's waiting and who was next with a sertain weapon but ok thanks for the info

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