ATTN: Flash Users


I have a quick question. do you guys draw all of your picture then animate them?

Im just trying to learn more on flash. . .
basicly u draw them then when ever u want them to move ie; move his arm u have to redraw his arm to what u want at least thats how i do it but ask outbreak he rocks at flash!
Yeah i made that avatar, and pedros for that matter.

I draw the character and group crucial parts. Like an arm is grouped in two pieces, forearm and hand is one piece, bicep and shoulder is another. Then the torso and head are usually grouped.

then i group it all together.

but yeah most characters i draw from scratch. but pedros i used an actual picture of him, traced over it in flash, then filled in colors. That way it looks exactly like him.
well you do an awsome job !! is there any web sites that you might have saved ? i want to learn more !!
i haven't ever used a website. basically i just use the built in tutorials in flash. If you ever have a question, just PM me. thats what Pedro does.