Red Orchestra


Anyone play it? Actually I just bought it, in light of playing that weekend trial a while back in August...
If DoD didn't exist this would be my main game.

It has a different pace but it is very rewarding. The learning curve can be a little high and if you put it down it is hard to pick back up rocks!

Also, there is a Campaign Style Tournament[link=] Iron Crescendo[/link] <<Link

Check it out. Also similarly there is VIE for DOD see my sig.
I'd rate it about a 9/10, 10 if it used it's own original engine; but the game itself is quite different. Basically, DoD, is comparable to a fast-paced arcade style of gameplay, while RO is more of a sim. After playing RO for a while, then going back to DoD, it'll seem as if you were playing Quake or something.

Also, I have 2 invites for the game, so if you want to try it out, I can send one over to you.
I ran the first clan to hold a scrim in RO (beta) named NKVD:OSNAZ to NKG. I ran a server under NKVD:Osnaz and also admin'd Kustom Kettle's RO server. Jeremy which originally wrote up the mod was under myself in the clan. Cliffyb was also a regular to NKVD's server.

The game itself requires a slow transition to movment, teamwork, and overall feel to iron sights. However, once you take the time to learn the game it is nothing but addictive and hard to put down.

Its a good time if you have patience and good teamwork at hand.
yeah... i played it on my buddys pc and i hated it. DOD:S kills that game. I didnt like the graphics, or how there was no cross hairs. I know the game is trying to be "realistic" but if you ask me, by doing that they made it suck. but thats just what i think.
Look, to any perspective buyers: think if you want a really cool and realistic game with a vaguely sharp learning curve. Because that is what it is, albeit a really freakin fun one.
Im happy they took out the Crosshier... i dont see one in real life ;D

Every move is realistic... I started to own .... with K98 again...

PLay smaller maps if you like DOD style
I love RO but haven't played it in a while. I like how it is more realistic than DoD. Especially the MG's, you can't just spray you have to do short bursts.
Its really good, when you get good at it, not alot of servers and the maps I like are the ones servers do not play... but if you like tank maps than ull love the game... overall 7/10