[quote1190750867=Dr. Knocker's-=KK=-]
Wanderer[JONES] wrote...
baron, who is that guy in ur sig and avatar?
Dont ask....we dont speak of the cursed lazytown....
AHHHH LAZYTOWN! to think thats what we let our kids watch!
Its funny why these days people wonder why kids are so messed up. THe answer is they watch lazy town at ages 2-6!
Wanderer[JONES] wrote...
baron, who is that guy in ur sig and avatar?
Dont ask....we dont speak of the cursed lazytown....
AHHHH LAZYTOWN! to think thats what we let our kids watch!
Its funny why these days people wonder why kids are so messed up. THe answer is they watch lazy town at ages 2-6!