As some of you know, my half-Australian,half-Colombian,half-Vietnamese,half-Canadian,half-Comanche,half-Eskimo son is adopted. Well, curiosity got the best of the boy and we searched for his birth father. We found him! Working at the Alienware plant on the Area 51 ALX assembly line. Well,, not 10 minutes after the 2 hugged his father was killed in a freak computer assembly accident. He was sucked into the cable tucker and stretched through 6 PC's!!! He was tucked to death right in front of his son!!! Well, after the screams subsided Dell (who owns Alienware) put the 6 machines to the side. 5 were pre-orders and they were to be shipped out the next day so only 1 was left. Littly Tommy looked up to me with tears running down his little almost plaid cheeks and he asked, "Daddy Starbuck, will you buy me that pooter so I can always have a piece of my other Daddy?" Of course I said that I would but I'm so broke that I'm using both sides of the toilet paper.
I know that you folks would want to help little Timiny in his hour of need and Dell has given me 2 weeks to get the money to buy the box. Please send all donations to:
Help Little Timmy
212 EGO Avenue
Houston, TX 77590
Timmy loves you all
I know that you folks would want to help little Timiny in his hour of need and Dell has given me 2 weeks to get the money to buy the box. Please send all donations to:
Help Little Timmy
212 EGO Avenue
Houston, TX 77590
Timmy loves you all