I bet none of y'all have had to do THIS before


Obey your master
I was at a mini-party tonight at a friends house and this dude and I started talking about fps's. We started on Halo, went to Bioshock, then FEAR, and finally Half-Life. I started talking about TF2 and DOD source and said "I play DOD:S all the time. I'm a member of and an admin for the biggest DOD:S clan". He asked "who's that?". I told him eGO. He got a shocked look on his face and said "aw awesome! I play on y'alls Donner server sometimes. What's your name?". I told him I'm masterofpuppets. He busted out laughing and said:

"No way! It's a small world! You kicked me a few months ago from the Donner server for cussing on the mic!"

First time I've ever had to see in real life someone I've had to admin. Pretty funny!
wow I would not know how to react in that situation, crack him over the head with my 40 oz. budweiser, lol j/k! un-ban him for a 12 pack MOP
I was speechless at first, I didn't know what to do! I was too freaked to think of a smart comment to make. I didnt know if this guy was going to shank me or something and extract his revenge. I just said "well......did you come back?". I just kicked him, didn't ban him. He said he came back and has been 'playing by the rules' ever since.
Haha...that actually has happened to me once, for Classic DoD. Met a guy at a friend's house who was talking about DoD, he asked where I played I told him [REB]. Later in the night he asked "So do you think you could unban me and my friends from your server?"

"...you were banned? By who? Under what names?"

"______, by some jackhole named P.T. Flea."

"Oh, yeah I banned you for being an annoying punk who didn't know when to let go of the mic button."

...he stayed banned. :p

Not surprising that it'd happen to someone here at eGO given how big it is. Cool stuff.