The Euro-server


Poster Extraordinaire
Hey guys,

The Euro server isnt really running right now, and because i'm a European (as one of many) i'm trying my best to keep this server. I want this because i also like a low ping once in a while;).

My question is now: Can all or some European guys help fill this server up, till it gets known? US people that play during night-time can always join btw...

I think we need 6 or more people in the server to help fill it up.

A suggestion to the Council is then. Perhaps a rotation-server is better then 24/7 colmar which is running right now. Or make it a 24/7 AVA/Donner, those maps are populair.

Hope we can keep the Euro-server!!

i can be idle in the eu server during the day(cant get to play because of school) idled at donner today it wasnt full for 4 hours(i checked it at school) but yeah sure bro
Will do :) talked with house about this as well.

Yesterday tried to wake up all the servers at 2am Est....only donner got up, all others died cause I owned too much :) But hey, I suck on Euro server, easy to fill then :)
Btw Blaze, what do you think of the server being a 24/7 colmar. Good or bad, because i think a rotation-server or just a plain AVA-server will get known faster to the Europeans.
Thanks alot guys, I'll try to get in there almost all the time and ask people in TS to join up with me. That will make it known to the masses :)
i like the idea of a uk based server, but i dont like the map colmar. i just find it boring. i still play to to try to fill it up, but would rather it be a different map, or like alias suggested, have it on a rotation.
Was fun today :) Was owning OWA, CARROT and some other non eGO members :) We had it going for a while.

I personally like colmar, I'm a crazy bomber there xD

But ava has always been my go figure.
Hey guys,

As you all should have read on the main site, we are losing the Euro server for it is not populair enough to keep. We can try and fill it up till the very end of that server! I will try anyway..

Thanks for the help guys!