how to sig


Poster Extraordinaire
i have a sig that i created under paint and cant seem to figure out how to get the image to have a url that i can add into my settings to get the sig to work
how can you get the paint document to have a url address to add into the sig box in the personal settings?
Upload it to a webpage such as Photobucket or Imageshack.

Then you can easily copy that URL to the signature box.
i uploaded it to photobucket but then i got all the image but it wasnt like croped so that it was only the sig but it had all of this white on it too.
there is the url that is given but this (below) is the sig i want but without all of this white space in it. Can you crop it or what? the address is below and the image too.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>


this above is what happens when i try to add. the entire white is still visable. either that or a small box with a red X in it.i have no clue nemore
great thanks a lot dude
just cruious how dja do it? (for further cases)
im kinda new to photo bucket n paint and really couldnt find a crop button newhere.....

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