Gar, It's Hard as Diamonds as I've said many times elsewhere.

I've seen them in concert, and to be honest they were pretty good.

I've just outgrown DRAGONFORCEHELLYEAHHHHHHHH! and moved onto Dream Theater/GWAR/Lordi for my metal music. I'm not even a huge fan of it anyway.

They are fun to watch though, 6 completely wasted men making fools out of themselves with their shredding and such.
used to love them but after like two weeks, i got sick of them because of their vocalist and the guitars end up sounding the same after a while
thats the fastest band ive ever seen
starting at 3:30 with the guitar solo.
WOW that solo was amazing!
dragonforce is a great band, and i have been listening to them ever since there first cd....one thing i dont like is the same pattern to their songs..listen and u can tell that there is a pattern to all of their songs..right now my favorite band is alexisonfire
Through the Fire and the Flames we carry on!!!!!!! dew dewd ewdew dew dew dewwwwwwwwwwwwww
Nice sound effects!!!!