Just about me

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Sad Sack

The Sad Sack File

Hi guys and gals.


I’m 57 years old :( but I love to play video games, go figure. I think it goes back to a miss spent childhood. We didn’t have video games back then we had army men, but they just stood there. That got old real quick (maybe I just lacked imagination). So you started setting them on fire or maybe blow them up with firecrackers, after a while no more army men. I would have to wait for a birthday or Christmas to get reinforcements. Of course they were consigned to the same fate and the cycle would continue.

I have two biological daughters and 6 grand kids.

I’ve been a foster parent for 17 years and have 4 adopted kids thro we stopped doing that about 10 years ago.

My son Terry aka -=R|P=-Lambo you might have played with on the Classic RP server. He’s the one with the MG in the bottom of the church.

I’m and admin on the -=R|P=- server for about 3 years.

Starbuck is a long time friend of mine. Like about 33 years. He is younger, by a few years, but I’m decades wiser.

I like to play on other servers to meet other gamers and play other maps.

I’m recognize a lot of you people from R|P classic server but some I don’t know and would like to get to know you better.

I’m just getting stated playing Source. I hated it before the big update. Now it seems like I will be able to improve my play somewhat.

And yes I am a long standing proner and camper. But that won’t mean much cuz Source won’t let me get away with that. Sigh.

I always preferred playing the strategies of the game and not the run & gun game. Besides when I run around a lot my feet hurt.

Anyway I’m looking forward to gaming with you all.
Even though I've know all of the over for years, it was a great read! I laughed my ass off.
I think Sad Sak and I have been gaming together for close to five years now. His compadre Tech used to slay me back in the old days for nade glitching on the RP server 8)
His compadre Tech used to slay me back in the old days for nade glitching on the RP server 8)


Justice prevails
I heard my name taken in vain.

The truth about Sack:
He is an illegal alien from Scotland.
Hannibal Lector was modeled after him. Sack ate 2 of the foster kids with fava beans.
He invented the "prone hack"
He is often mistaken for Bigfoot.
He has been linked with Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance.
His idea of a party is a six-pack and the Weather Channel.

Other than that he's an okay guy.

[quote1153928911=Sgt. Starbuck]
I heard my name taken in vain.

The truth about Sack:
He is an illegal alien from Scotland.
Hannibal Lector was modeled after him. Sack ate 2 of the foster kids with fava beans.
He invented the "prone hack"
He is often mistaken for Bigfoot.
He has been linked with Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance.
His idea of a party is a six-pack and the Weather Channel.

Other than that he's an okay guy.


See what I mean about the wiser part. 8) He proves my case again. Misinformation abound. But close I will say.
No apologies for all those slays Tech? I am still smarting from those :(

I am now official scared of Sad Sak !surrender
Sack and I were both banned from the RP servers 3 times (minimum to become an admin) for nade bugging. We didn't know what it was. Now you're all successful and rich. You should THANK us.

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