Nvader [JONES] Rookie Oct 7, 2007 #1 Can someone make a sig from this pic. I'm horrible with cool graphics and stuff. http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m161/nvader1337/odo.jpg Thanks.
Can someone make a sig from this pic. I'm horrible with cool graphics and stuff. http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m161/nvader1337/odo.jpg Thanks.
Z zer0day Poster Oct 7, 2007 #2 Did it very fast. Can't do much with just a picture... http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/5341/odocopyov6.jpg
Did it very fast. Can't do much with just a picture... http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/5341/odocopyov6.jpg
D Dr. Knocker's[DAM] Poster Extraordinaire Oct 8, 2007 #4 Wow good work zer0day! You got a good sig there nvadar.
P ProBowl24 Poster Extraordinaire Oct 8, 2007 #5 heres one if ya like this one better im not good with screen shots... here it is neway http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee97/probowl24/sigforthekid.jpg
heres one if ya like this one better im not good with screen shots... here it is neway http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee97/probowl24/sigforthekid.jpg
Nvader [JONES] Rookie Oct 8, 2007 #6 THANKS PorBowl its looks cool, but there is too much white. i kinda wanted to see the Nazi dead. but THANKS A LOT .
THANKS PorBowl its looks cool, but there is too much white. i kinda wanted to see the Nazi dead. but THANKS A LOT .
P ProBowl24 Poster Extraordinaire Oct 8, 2007 #7 yea this is the only other invert of colors that i got just that one... its nice that the one you got is in color and you can make out the nazi better
yea this is the only other invert of colors that i got just that one... its nice that the one you got is in color and you can make out the nazi better