Mop is a happy boy!


Obey your master
For the past year there's been a HUGE galleria mall going in across the street from my store. Since the beginning I've been stoked about it since it will, of course, draw in business. A few months ago though they announced that a FedEx Kinkos would open in the galleria...... and I was PISSED.

Today, a friend of mine that works in the galleria leasing office told me that the FedEx Kinkos WILL NOT be opening!

Well, I run a PostNet mail store. We're a franchise mail store. If a Kinkos came knocking across the street from us it'd be very very bad.
[quote1191946225=sugafree [JONES]]
nice 1 MOPPY!! are you ready for our showdown this week!!! good luck buddy

Not so much. My best wr's have byes and my rb's are hurt. :(

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