Need help...and not sure what to do


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okey so my moms computer is freaking out, when we turn it on, it loads up to the "Windows XP" screen then automatically restarts. Its really a pain in the butt. I looked at the HP website and it wasnt very helpful. My mom also called HP and they said to get the info off of the site >.< so its like a huge waste of time. Ive tried going into the system and it says "missing file hp/setup32" or something like that. Anyway, any suggestions guys? i need to get my moms computer up and running for two reasons, 1) so she can get her work done on it and access her files and 2) so she will get off mine!

thanx for any help you can give me
u prbbly get a bsod
and it is set to auto restart...
the first thing to do is find out what causes the bsod and go from there
if u have xp pro u can disable that in the advanced options menu that u get to by pressing F8 shortly after the computer is turned on and the bios is not displaying anymore, then u simply press the option to disable the restarts

then u can research the error..
Hmm, system32 doesn't sound good. If someone was playing around in there, or installed/ran a program that did anything in there, it could have moved/renamed/deleted some system critical files.

If not a software issue, it could also be hardware; check your POST screen info (should comes up right when you boot), and look for anything similar to 'chksum', or anything peculiar, you may need to replace your motherboard battery, or even your PSU (but I highly doubt that).