I can only assume that your opinion is that its untrue that your not supposed to switch out of games. I can accept that. However, the bulk of my message is fact, every operating system have to save memory used, registers, program counters, inctruction counters, and many many other things everytime it performs a context switch and puts it into a PCB or Process controle black. That is fact.
As for 'not supposed to' it just depends on how you look at it. There is only one cpu (forget cores for now) and thus its only designed to run one application at a time. 'multi tasking' is an illusion because your operating system context switches alot and gives applications a few miliseconds to run before switching to a new process. Everytime you create a process controle block, switch to a new process, and load its PCB then you are wasting cpu time that is not spent running any aplication at all. Thus, I defend my comment that your not supposed to context switch mid game because games can use several MB or even GB rather than KB thus causing large PCB context switches.
If your computer switches fine then you shoudl be proud of the acomplishment, rather than assume that everyones can. Your computer might only be a eyar old, but the chances are that it is faster than the original thread creator computer. Hence, my comment of 'buy a better faster system' (apparently like yours) (and mine <wink>)