i've been thinking (and no it hasn't hurt :P)

Meisster -I|G-

Forum Fiend
As my 5th full month with Edge Gamers approaches I've been thinking of how bad a lot of clans are. Before I found Edge, I had been playing the 9th Ranger servers. Most of the guys seemed cool and I thought about joining. But then I found the EGO Ava server and did a little talking with The Drunken Sailor and from that point on I knew that Edge was the only clan for me :). Since then I've played on other clans' servers and realize just how bad they really are.

We have better servers simply because of the admins who keep order without adminning (is that a word?). It's really quite amazing. Our philosophy is Less is More. I think that we execute that to perfection.

Another reason for my uber-awesome stay w/EGO is the guys I've met: Drunken Sailor, Bunnies Loves Panties, rolling stop, alias, Kaos, Oberst Muller, Pick_em_up...I could go on and on.

Edge is the Best and always will be the best and I'm damn proud to be a member of this clan :D

I am gonna have to agree. I have played on alot of servers and with alot of clans. But this has to be the best. After I got on and played with you meis and zeit and everyone that was on. I realized ( After a bit a pushing by yall) I should join cause this is awesome clan
Oh Meisster i´m touched;D it´s always fun to play with you.


sorry about that one ;DD
Lol, me and Fry recently did a little trip to 9th Rangers, and 5 minutes in, we were missing eGO like heck. Wow. Just so much immaturity, and retards running around mic spamming obscenities, and generally acting about 4 years old. It was pretty bad. No adminning at all.
When I first found EGO, It became very difficult for me to go back to the other servers I used to play on (9th was a popular for me at the time). But who knew such a server existed when I was so used to CS:CZ and the old-school DoD...Now EGO is the only DoD servers I play on. Cheers to the maturity and organization of EGO! :).
When I first started playing I was on random servers, and some of the servers had blatant hacking, it was pretty bad. I happened to find the eGO Donner map and thats all what I played, and eventually I came and signed up to be a part of the best DOD:S clan in the world =)
I love to play in eGO too, and for the same reasons. The guys are nice and kind to anybody in-game, the game is being played how it's supposed to (people telling other people what to do and stuff).

In other clans it's not there! That's why i'll never leave eGO!

And Meisster, if you think Mullers screenshots are bad. Would you like to see some of mine? ;)

If it wasn't for eGO, I probably wouldn't be playing dods.
Glad that I randomly found the kalt server a few months ago :D
Ha, i know what you mean. It wierd for me too, i actually recruited people that got eGO and eG like 3 weeks before me =p. and Now they are advisors :)

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