Vista Lag

Gen. Sniper

Thread Junky
I have a new coomputer but it has vista I added a modem but the dod still lags what can I do to fix the lag please? thanks
Your going to get alot of responces about how vista runs slow. I havnt found this to be necessarely true, but I attest to nothing specifically.

What 'lag' do you have currently? a high ping? packet loss? try to be specific. I can only assume that when you say you added a modem you are talking about a dialup modem, in which case, dont expect much. Give us some computer specs as well. it helps alot.
FPS drops? A fps above 30 is preferable (type cl_showfps or net_graph 1 in console to view your fps). Or is as GreenMonkey mentioned, internet lag?

List your computer specs. I hope you have some sort of dual core processor, at least 1GB of RAM, and a decent video card.
Vista runs game slightly slower, but I haven't noticed any fps drop, but on the other side my game was designed to game.