On Tech Starbuck

Gen. Sniper

Thread Junky
He's Cruel, mean kiniving, sneaky like's to tell the Germans where your hiding, he sweet talks you into getting your weapon he likes to yell make jokes and besides all that He accually says your his friend the nerve. But you know what you can't meet a better guy on the server and he really is a great guy all this is so not true he really isn't anything negative. But someone had to say something about him lol thanks for the fun Starbuck and will see you on Donner come meet him if you dare :)
Please don't take this the wrong way, as I mean absolutely no offense here. But PLEASE use punctuation and grammar in your posts. This, along with many others, are exceptionally difficult to read.

I don't mean to be a grammar nazi here, it's just a web-forum, but it needs to be readable.

Please, take a moment to read out loud what you type, and insert commas and periods into any necessary pause in thought. Also, Hit "enter" to start a new line when you're beginning a new idea.
Whaha Zeit, He loves his rifle so much i think! And playing with Tech is always fun, you have to hear him joking in TS thougt, it's even better! :D
[quote1192651321=Gen. Sniper]
thanks Starbuck and I will pay mot attention when I write guys
i see thats comin along pretty good "mot" lol
youre a good guy sniper im just messing with ya

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