Anyone play any tabletop RPG's?

I know there's only a handful of us left who actually remember all night long gaming parties that didn't involve a LAN connection. (no sarah silverman show jokes) LOL

I used to be into Heroes Unlimited, D&D, Vampires: The Masquerade, and Paladium. Of course, it didn't help that all my gaming friends grew up to actually CREATE RPG's (some tabletop, some computer based). Before I moved from Detroit, one of our friends had us playtesting a new game called Second Coming to get all the logistics and formulas right. I'm going to have to dig to find the link he IM'd me to check out the finished book. I got to thinking about it when I was transferring all my files from the old hard drive and found some of the artwork for it.

Which brought it to mind... Is there anyone here who used to play, or still plays the imaginative way?
i played d&d and vamp the masq but not anymore. i still have friends who play it tabletop or imaginative way though(note to self: gotta change your friends)
I've got some friends who play D&D, they keep saying I should try it and I'm like "...why the hell would I want to do that." They're like "Because it's all imagination, the rules pretty much whatever you can come up with, there's so many possibilities!"

And I was like "...isn't being limited only by your imagination called...'thinking'? I do that more than any of you, I don't need D&D for that."
I used to play d&d, magic the gathering (card game), but now for tabletops I play Warhammer 40k. I dont know if that constitutes an rpg but hey cant be picky lol. We should start an online tabletop rpg game yeah! :D
An online table top rpg game? eh

I use to play d&d and magic as well. But, I got all that out of my system.....and for a while I was addicted to WoW......I escaped though
I play D&D with some friends at school. A friend of mine wants to get me into Warhammer 40k, but theres no way in hell, even if I find I like it, that I'm gonna spend that much money on figurines for the game :O
I play Dungeons & Dragons with my friends all the time! I have a level 6 Dwarf Fighter named Fafnir!

He's a Drunk, but he gets the job done!
warhammer 40K isnt expensive at all, ebay it, or have friends that give you stuff for free cause they want to get people into it ^^;
As promised, here is my Axis and Allies Miniatures collection, well at least part of it. Ill take pictures of the rest of them later.

I figured some of you guys will like to view them since we are after all a clan based on a WWII video game. Im sure some of you guys are WWII buffs, so to those people, I present this to j00! Keep in my mind what I show you in my two fishing tackle boxes only represents half of my collection. The other half is still in its boxes, simply because I need bigger containers to put them in. Maybe when I get some new containers, Ill actually use the tackle boxes for fishing. !grr

First I shall show you my uber Russian army. Since I have a lot of Ruskie infantry, I decided to only show a part of them. I'm mainly showing my armor.

These are the two fishing tackle boxes I keep my collections in. The left one keeps my allied armies. The right one keeps my axis armies.







Here is my Russian army. The thing about collecting the Russians is that it is very difficult to do so. I know some people that have been buying boosters for AAM since it came out 3 years ago and they still haven't been able to obtain any of the basic Russian tanks. I however was fortunate and was able to get them either in my boosters that I bought or through some clever trades. :D

From left to right: two T34/76's, two T34/85 "Guards", two IS-3's, three KV-1's, one SU-85, one Soviet M3 Lee, two Katyusha rocket artillery truck's, and three Soviet armored cars (dont remember the exact name.) In the back you can see my IL-10 Stumovik "flying".




cough to much time, and i also plays me some Warhammer 40k....ALL BOW BEFORE THE RULE OF CHAOS!!! DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR!!!
cough to much time, and i also plays me some Warhammer 40k....ALL BOW BEFORE THE RULE OF CHAOS!!! DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR!!!

Hahaha. Not really too much time, as I don't play with them much. More like too much extra money. Anyways, you got to admit they are pretty cool toys. You can have your own DoD matches right on your table with these things but with tanks! lol
OMG creeping i want those. Then ile make strategic movies on how 2 win on the donner map. Ile have small colured boxes and everything haha it would be great. Hey are they collectibeles or something like that. Because 2 me it just look like plain old toys x-) :p
Nice army creeping, I've played D&D and I liked it, I just need to get the same people again lol. I would like to play WH40K but I dont have enough money, and Death... FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!
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OMG creeping i want those. Then ile make strategic movies on how 2 win on the donner map. Ile have small colured boxes and everything haha it would be great. Hey are they collectibeles or something like that. Because 2 me it just look like plain old toys x-) :p

Yes, they are very much collectibles. Not only are they collectibles, but you can actually have a match against a friend with them. Each miniature you get comes with a stat card that tells you its attack, defense, etc. Heres an example of that:


You play on hex based maps that come with the starter set that look like this:


Lets say one of you guys wanted to play against me, we would decide who would be axis and who would be allies. After we decide that, we see how big of a game we want to play. 100 points is standard, but for a nice sized game, 200 points is best. So we both each make 200 point armies of axis and allies. The points of a unit are indicated on the stat card, so when you add up all your forces points, it should not be past 200 pts. or whatever size armies you guys want to play.
ah the poor emperor, i am sad that horus was distracted by that little marine, some how the emperor survived a broken back, a slit throat, and broken legs......luck....all luck, now daemons attack!!
ah the poor emperor, i am sad that horus was distracted by that little marine, some how the emperor survived a broken back, a slit throat, and broken legs......luck....all luck, now daemons attack!!

No luck, pure power. He incinerated Horus in a hearbeat