this is what you call KARMA!


Obey your master
This morning I had my 6-week follow up from my surgery. I got to the office and signed in and the receptionist said "well, Anthony, looks like we have a $25 co-pay for you as well as a $620 balance that you need to pay today". I kinda threw a mini fit. I thought I was paid up and they were forcing me to pay before the visit. Anyway, I went ahead and payed it all. I gave the lady my card and she went to run it..... it wouldn't go through. So, I had to try my check card.... still didn't work. Now I'm getting pissed. The lady tries to run my credit card again but she says "I don't know what's going on today, this thing's been acting up all day. It should work now".

Right as she ran the card, the card machine turned off and wouldn't turn back on. After 10 minutes o them messing with the machine the receptionist finally just said "don't worry about it, we'll just send you another bill". I get to keep my money a little longer, but it was so awesome when the machine just broke. I wanted to scream "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR ALMOST KILLING ME!"
Dude! you seem to have the WORST of luck! I think you need to get a new doctor/hospital. It really stinks when they wont cooperate.
yay you get to keep your money for maybe a half week longer!
or maybe they will just forget and lose your papers...
now that would be karma
[quote1192652597==(eG)= Mr.Smiley-RR-]
Dude! you seem to have the WORST of luck! I think you need to get a new doctor/hospital. It really stinks when they wont cooperate.

Well, the problem is that my condition requires a specialist which this guy is..... and him and his staff sure as hell act like it too.
Well, the problem is that my condition requires a specialist which this guy is..... and him and his staff sure as hell act like it too.

Your "condition" requires a "specialist?"

Say... What is this condition anyway, MoP? :p
Bummer, heart burns are the WORST!

I need a knee specialist every once in a while, I've got a severe case of Osgood-Schlatters syndrome. But as I'm escaping adolescence it is rapidly fleeting, THANK GOD!
Well it's a weird condition. The way the doc explained it to me is that due to unknown causes, my throat swells up little ridges that cause food to get caught. He showed me the pics from my surgery, it was awesome. It's a condition mostly found in young men and they don't know a cause or a cure. They have me on a flovent inhaler and prilosec for acid reflux (which could be a cause).

The only bad thing is that the inhaler I have to swallow. The doc said one of the possible side effects is a yeast infection of the throat......BOOOOOP.
[quote1192667531=ROCKET CHUMP]
DUDE! WHAT!? i thought theyve had u paid like, 3 different bills now!

Not so much. I've posted/complained about 3. All in all, including this new bill, I'm up to ~$4500 since my trip to the ER in late July.

The only bad thing is that the inhaler I have to swallow. The doc said one of the possible side effects is a yeast infection of the throat......BOOOOOP.

That would be bad!!!

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