Please rate and comment on my rig

That is a unique CPU cooler there, I have never seen anything like it.

Nice rig though. The only thing I would change is get a better deal on RAM. Just with a quick search I was able to find 2GB of Corsair XMS2 Dominator DDR2 800 same 4-4-4-12 timings, for about $40 cheaper (after mail-in rebate).

Also, I have never really heard anything particularly good about OCZ PSUs but that is more of a mystery to me, I don't know much about them.
I agree with down - I dont know anything about ocz power supplies, so that might be a chance. And I also <3 corsair so if they are cheaper thats two plusses. If I have said it once, Ive said it a million times: I dont like asus, however, I respect other people who do because i recognize their abilities. That however, only applies to motherboards, I wouldnt neevr buy an asus brand anything else, in your case your buying a cd burner from a motherboard company. seems too much like buying a pickup truck from kellogs. Dont get me wrong I love frosted flakes but i dont want to see a tony the tiger logo under the hood.
lastly, I do not heart evga. maybe its just me but evga and pny are like the best buy brands of videocards. ::sigh:: and stupid i sell videocards for cheaper because I cut corner companies like pny and evga are the reason nicer companies like gainward and xtasy arent arround anymore. But thats a rant for another day. other then that it looks ok but i only glanced.
Should I go for the XMS or Dominator series? I want RAM that's under $160. Also, can anyone recommend me a power supply?

I prefer eVGA because of their step-up program and godlike warranty.
I have ALWAYS told my friends, family, and customers the same one thing. In the end: its your money, and all I can do is advize. I cant tell you how to spend your money, or what you want to buy, only what I reccomend - so as long as you have a good reason then stick with it, evga here you come. I like conviction (sometimes).

As for PS, Antec true power are very nice, bust costly. Thermaltake makes some good quality supplies however there is one model they made that was a lemon. I cant remember which one but if you look at the star ratings on new egg it should be obvious. Recently, I have been enjoying Rosewill Powersupplies because the one company makes units that range from low end to high end - and everyone unit I have bought so far has run like a champ, even the cheaper ones. I would reccomend them because they can be cheap and reliable. There are a few other brands I would considder if I was in a pinch, but none that I would necessarely buy on purpose.

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