If you haven't seen it already, we have soft-launched a basic CS2 Jailbreak server. Connect IP:
This is still in the early stages of development so expect bugs and server crashes. Please report issues in the Bug Report Forum: https://www.edgegamers.com/forums/bugs/ . For server crashes we kindly ask that you detail the time, map, player count, and acvitiy at the time of crash.
Below is a list of features that we are currently looking to add to the server in the future. They are in no particular order and we will continue to update this post with additional features we intend to develop. Please post any ideas or suggested server features you would like to see implemented in Jailbreak.
List of features on Roadmap:
- Last Request (!lr)
- Cancel LR (!cancellr)
- Special Days
- Last Guard
- Nominate Maps
- Warden Menu:
- Lasers, paint, markers, teams, countdown timer, special treatment (!st), !count, etc.
- DS Perks:
- colored name, chat, custom markers, join message, DS Chat, !autortd, !ghost, !votekick, !voteban.
- Credit System / Roll the dice (!rtd)
- Gangs
- Warden Health / Armor set to 125
- T Jihad Bomb (C4)
- Show enemy player name above head when aiming at them
- Option to toggle leg view on/off
- Hide teammates command (!hide, !n)
- Spectate player command (!watch [name])
- Jailbreak Battlepass?! Soon™
Please note that some of these features may not be added due to source2 limitations. This list is a work in progress and we will continue to notify you all once we start releasing more updates.
Happy Gaming!
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