Important Counter Strike Server Rules

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Server Rules

Table of Contents
Jail Break Server Rules
TTT Server Rules
Counter-Strike: Source Rules
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Jail Break Server Rules
RULES UPDATED - May 23rd 2023
Refer to the text in RED for the latest rule updates.​

What is Jail Break?
Jail Break is a role-playing game mode which simulates a jail environment - players are divided into three groups. The groups are Warden, Guard and Prisoner.

A warden is selected at the start of the round once a guard types !w - only the warden determined by the plugin can give warden-type orders. The objective for the warden is to maintain control to prevent a rebellion and eliminate prisoners by giving clear & specific orders and playing games which results in killing losers and those who fail to follow orders.

A guard must maintain control in the jail through killing Prisoners who do not follow the orders or who are rebelling. They must protect the Warden as many Prisoners will try to rebel to kill the warden to cause havoc and win the round. A guard must become warden when there isn't one.

A prisoner (also referred to as T's, Terrorists) seeks to win the round either through following orders to achieve Last Request (!lr), or by rebelling. If you rebel, you will turn red and can only be pardoned by the warden.

General Guidelines
  • Do not talk over the warden.
  • Do not kill or injure your own team-mates unless ordered by the warden.
  • Do not join Guard if you do not have a microphone, unless there are enough active wardens.
  • Do not complain or argue - report any rule violations in admin chat only once.
  • Do not use an in-game name that cannot be pronounced or typed.
  • Do not influence RTV.
  • Do not give any information regarding an active round to alive players while dead or players on the opposite team.
  • When the warden dies, it is a freeday until new orders are given (this does not count towards the Special Days Limit). All T's are pardoned unless they are actively rebelling (red, inside armory/vents, etc.). ST's keep ST unless warden revokes it.
  • As a T, you may look for loopholes in orders when appropriate. If you are basing your actions off these technicalities, end up being killed for them, and then begin to complain, you are in the wrong.
  • Do NOT Close Cell doors once they are opened.
  • Do not give false orders or impersonate the warden.

Definitions of common terms

AFK Freeze
- You cannot do anything at all except use text and voice chat unless it will kill you (e.g. getting out of pool to stop yourself from drowning then AFK freeze).
Freeze - You cannot use movement keys but you can look around, jump and crouch.
Contraband - All types of grenades, primaries, secondaries, tasers, shields and the jihad-C4.
Freekill/RDM - It is when a prisoner is killed even though they did not rebel.
Shift/Crouch Walk - You cannot Jump when told to Shift/Crouch walk unless stated otherwise by the warden.
Directions: "North, East, South, West" - North is the arrow blip on your mini-map radar and other directions can be determined using this information.
Distance: "One Step" - Being told to "take one step" can either mean a single jump in a direction or being knifing distance from the location. A warden should give more precise orders if they want you to be within a specific distance (e.g. be knifing distance of X).
T-Secret - Getting something which is hidden or a place where a T can hide themselves from the CT's. A prisoner is automatically KOS for doing this but the warden can pardon T-Secrets for ST's or during a freeday.
Last CT/Guard - Last Guard with the beacon MUST kill all prisoners except the remaining 2 T's unless they are rebelling (automatically activated if 4 or more guards when the round started).
All orders are singular - Being told to "jump" means jump once, being told to "crouch" means crouch once then stand up (unless you are being told to remain crouched or to keep jumping ...etc). You can AFK Freeze to type.
New orders override previous orders - Being told to "keep jumping" and then a new order of "stay crouched" does not mean you should be jumping and holding crouch unless you are told specifically in the same order to "keep jumping and hold crouch".
  • Common Sense: You cannot go anywhere except where you are told (example: If you are told to "go to climb" and then you are told to "jump" - it does not mean you can leave climb to jump).
Special Treatment (ST) - ST can be any form of special treatment the warden permits (i.e choosing next game, freeday).
  • Prisoners can earn ST in exchange for contraband, blood-hounding, or by earning it in a game.
    • Warden can only give ST to the first completer, and it must be stated before the game starts.
  • All ST's must be revoked once there are 2 non-rebels without ST.
  • ST cannot kill a prisoner as a special treatment.
Bloodhound - A prisoner giving away the position of their teammate for special treatment.
  • Prisoners cannot bloodhound without being given ST.
  • Warden must offer a pardon to the rebelling T's before giving the non-rebelling T's the option to bloodhound.
Chat Commands
Type !guard to join the queue for guard team.
Type !leave to remove yourself from guard queue.
Type !w as a guard to join the warden queue or to open the warden menu.
Type !pass as a warden to pass warden to another guard.
Type !sd as a warden to use special day menu.
Type @ followed by your message to make a report in admin chat.
Type & followed by your message to make a cross server report, if no admins are present.
Type !lr if you are one of the remaining 2 T's alive to initiate last request.
Type !peace as a warden to temporarily mute guards and prisoners.
Type !servers or !hop to join other eGO servers directly.
Type !hide or !n to toggle teammate visibility.
Type !gang to open the gang menu.
Type !block to block coinflips.
Type !coinflip or !cf to coinflip your credits with someone.
Type !watch to spectate a specific player while spectating.
Type !menu to open the warden menu.
Type !paint to open the paint menu.
Type !tetris to play tetris while spectating.
Type !rtd to roll the dice.
Type !nominate to nominate a map.
Type timeleft to show the remaining time for the map.
Type rtv or badmap to rock the vote of the current map.
Type !revote to change your vote option.


As a prisoner, you are rebelling if you ...

  • do not follow orders given by the warden and guards within 3 seconds.
  • do not drop a contraband when told by a Guard after 3 or more seconds.
  • do not back away from a Guard when told to do so.
  • go into or attempt to enter restricted areas: Armory, T-Secrets, Ventilation Areas and Weapon Caches.
  • kill or injure a Guard (even if they are baiting).
  • have a contraband out for 3 or more seconds unless told to do so by the warden.
  • interfere with games in any form or activate buttons/controls meant for Guard's.
  • throw any type of grenade or shoot a weapon unless ordered by the warden.
  • leave cells before being told to by the warden unless it has been 2 minutes since round-start.
  • cheat, detour or delay in any of the orders or games.
  • aid other prisoners to rebel e.g: (contraband planting).

Prisoners may NOT kill off their own T buddies without it being instructed in the game, meaning they should not be starting games that kill their teammates. This is considered griefing.


As a guard, you must NOT ...

  • freekill or freedamage - injuring or killing non-rebellers.
  • shoot into stacks - instead take cover and get the warden to unstack them.
  • open cell doors or press game buttons unless you are told to do so by the warden.
  • randomly spam-fire your weapon or randomly throw any type of grenade.
  • aid the prisoners to rebel (gun-planting, baiting, randomly opening vents, not upholding orders, delaying games, etc.).
  • play T games unless it is LR, a freeday, or required to pursue a rebeller.
  • damage or enter vents unless you hear/see/suspect a prisoner has gone through (do not camp vents).
  • kill prisoners for twitching (small mouse movements) when told to be AFK frozen.
  • kill prisoners for being close to you unless you tell them to back away or to keep a certain distance.
  • be out of sight from prisoners, unless actively hunting rebellers (do not camp restricted areas). ST’s do not count as prisoners therefore there is no reason for a guard to follow an ST around.
  • pick up any T weapons/secrets, even if it was dropped by a T (except if it's interfering with gameplay or on a freeday).
  • partake in T-Secrets without actively pursuing the T's unless it is LR/freeday (do not camp secrets).
  • show favoritism towards specific prisoners.
  • shoot into a smoke if players are supposed to be in the smoke.
Type !guard to join the queue for guard team, and type !leave to leave the queue.


As a warden, you must NOT ...

  • open cells without giving orders.
  • keep prisoners in cells after 2 minutes from round-start. (unless there's a lot of rebelling going on)
  • give orders for prisoners to carry out whilst inside cells (exception: orders to drop/throw contrabands).
  • give orders over text-chat. Orders must be given over mic-chat only.
  • give orders that refer to prisoners as anything else other than T's, Terrorists or Prisoners.
  • keep prisoners crouched without allowing them to stand-up to type.
  • refuse to repeat unless you have repeated it once already without being disrupted.
  • put guards in harm's way without their consent.
  • revoke a freeday, warday or hide and seek given by another warden before 4:00 (round timer counts down).
  • restrict prisoners from using text or voice chat (exception: !peace command).
  • give dishonest, confusing, misleading or trap commands, for example:

Lying to the Prisoners, for example: you can't pardon a rebeller only to kill them once they come out even though they didn't rebel since the pardon.
Confusing the Prisoners, for example: "When I say go which is not now, go to the blue circle", then opening the cells and killing everyone who went - or giving so many orders quickly to make them lose track...etc.
Trapping the Prisoners by issuing commands that will harm them outside of a game, for example: saying "go into the red marker" with the red marker in lava / hurt zone.

Games are used to kill off prisoners to get to LR. Games must follow these rules:

Basic Ruleset of Games:
These rules apply to all games unless otherwise stated.

Games must…
  • be explained by the warden before starting.
    • Admins have the final say on what customizations wardens implement.
  • give all prisoners a chance to participate fairly and allow for competition.
    • Example: It is unfair to force prisoners closest to winning to keep on going when there are prisoners behind them.
    • Example 2: It is unfair to add restrictions to games that make them unfair/unplayable. (e.g. adding a CT-Enforced “no jumping” restriction on a colors game that gets too fast and requires jumping)
  • not be played inside cells.
  • not delay the round, and they must be productive (there must be winners/losers).
  • not reward prisoners with a prize to pick more than 2 prisoners to die.
  • not be played twice in the same round.
    • Exception: This rule does not apply if a prisoner stops the game before any prisoners die.
  • not kill more than 50% (rounded up) of the participants in a single game.
    • Exception: This rule does not apply to games that are unable to be stopped or recalled and kill prisoners automatically. In other words, this rule does not apply when the warden cannot control who will win or lose during the game. When the warden is able to control who will win/lose (e.g. with concepts like furthest/closest or hot lava) they must not kill more than 50% rounded up.
  • The first game played at the start of each round must be an unmodified map game that can guarantee 50% winners (e.g. can be recalled/stopped/only take half). This game cannot be the same game played at the start of the previous round.

Map Games:

A map game is a game that is played using map-intended features to complete a game defined by the warden.

  • Death Crate
  • Dodge Course
  • Climb
  • Race
  • Roulette (that has map functions)

Non-Map Games:

A non-map game is a game that is either defined here in the rules or by the warden.

  • First Reaction, Last Reaction
  • Trivia
  • Odd-Man-Out
  • Keep or Pass
  • Knife fights
  • Custom Jumps
  • Marker Roulette (eg: 1 marker lives)

Games Clauses
The following clauses apply when a warden is playing a game that is defined in their respective category.

Optional Games:
A game that is either in its nature unfair, does not allow equal participation, or breaks any of the Basic Ruleset of Games while not falling into one of the other categories of games.

  • These games cannot be the first game of the day.
  • Players must be given the option to participate in these games.
    • They can either be given the option to not participate (sit out) or play another standard game.
  • These games must be fully defined before players opt in or out.
  • The warden must state the number of winners they are taking before players opt in or out, however, there is no minimum.
  • Full Dodge Course
  • A game already played once in a round
  • etc.

Luck-Based Games:
A game that is solely based in luck.
  • You must not play any luck-based game unless there are 15 or fewer Prisoners alive.
  • It must not be the first game of the round.
    • Non-Map luck-based games can only be played after the second game of the day.
  • All custom or non-map luck-based games must guarantee at least a 25% chance of survival.
    • Exception: See Optional Games
  • There is no number of required winners.

Opinionated Games:
An opinionated game is a game which the warden defines the parameters of, and uses either their opinion or the opinion of another to decide the winners of the game.

  • You must not play any opinionated-based game unless there are 15 or less Prisoners alive.
  • It must not be the first game of the round.
  • You must tell Prisoners what the game is before giving them the choice to play or not.
  • Prisoners have the choice of whether to participate or not.
  • You must have a regular map or non-map game with "standard" rules as one of the options to choose from.
  • Prisoners must not change their minds once they have chosen to play or not.
  • There must be at least 2 winners.
Illegal Games:
The following are illegal games that must never be played under any circumstances, regardless of any other factors (Including special days).

  • Fish-In-A-Barrel
  • AFK Freeze Death Crate/Colors/etc
  • 1v100 (even if map supported)

Other miscellaneous game rules:
The following are rules for specific games that are commonly played on the server. While they may fit into a category, these rules take precedence for their specific games.

Custom jumps
A custom jump is where the warden must demonstrate a special jump from one point to the next.
  • You must not play this game unless there are 15 or less Prisoners alive.
  • You may only attempt to perform 2 different custom jumps per round (jumps in different directions count as a separate attempt).
  • You may only play 1 successful custom jump game in a round.
  • You can only play this after the second game.

You must not play this game unless there are 15 or less Prisoners alive, during this game only 2 prisoners can be killed off by the winners. Trivia must not be the first game of the round.

All questions must be factual and not opinionated or personal. You must ask all questions and receive answers via text-chat only.

Simon Says
You must not play this game unless there are 15 or less Prisoners alive, and it must not be the first game of the round.

Simon says can only start with "Simon says we are now playing simon says. Simon says I'm Simon" and end with "Simon says we are no longer playing simon says. Simon says I am no longer Simon".

  • Warden cannot trick T's into simon says starting or ending - prisoners must not be killed for either following the command or not.
  • When the warden says "simon says" then an action the prisoners must follow the action. If the warden does not say "simon says" before the action, then prisoners must not follow the action.
  • Prisoners must AFK freeze between commands (unless otherwise stated).
  • Simon says commands must not move prisoners in any direction (forward/backward/left/right).
  • Simon says commands must not give more than one command out at a time.

Rules for Last Request
Last Request (LR) is achieved once there are only 2 non-rebel prisoners remaining. You can type !lr in chat to select a last request, or you can do a Custom LR if the guards choose to participate.

  • Do not use the LR teleporter to exploit/grief your opponent.
  • You can cheat during a last request, but it is rebelling.
  • You can activate !lr as a rebeller.
  • Guards may decline custom LR's or unreasonable LR locations.
  • Saying no rules implies that any form of cheating is permitted.
  • If a prisoner begins the LR without stating any rules, basic rules (no cheating) are implied.
  • If a prisoner is located in a Restricted Area during LR then they should be asked to leave the Restricted Area, do NOT kill T’s in a Restricted Area during LR unless they are actively rebelling.

First Reaction/Last Reaction
You must not play this game unless there are 15 or less Prisoners alive, during this game only 2 prisoners can be killed off. FR/LR must not be the first game of the round. All orders are singular unless warden states otherwise.

You must tell Prisoners that you are now playing First Reaction / Last Reaction.
When the warden says "Last Reaction " then the LAST person to do the action dies - and anyone who does not do the action at all will also die - but when the warden says "First Reaction " then the FIRST person to do the action dies.

Shot for Shot/Mag for Mag/No Scope
These games are played by each player shooting at each other with the specified weapon. During LR, Guards must not begin shooting before asking the T if they have any specific parameters or location.

Gun Toss
Gun toss is played by throwing the gun as far as you can from the starting point before you touch the ground- furthest being the winner - this rule is implied unless stated otherwise.

Rules for Special Days
Any type of special day can only be given once per 3 rounds. The warden must activate and choose as special day using the !warden menu or by typing !sd in chat. The warden MUST explain the special day.

Day: Custom Day
A customized day or freeday where wardens can make up the rules of the day. (T’s can not be killed needlessly). Illegal games may never be played. Admins have final say whether a custom day can / cannot be played.

Day: Free-For-All
All players will fight against each other until there is only one player that remains. You are not allowed to team with other players.

Day: Ghost War
Players will start off invisible to others once they become visible they must fight in a free-for-all against others until there is only one player remaining. Note: Players will alternate during the round from being invisible to being visible.

Day: Gun game
Each player starts with the same gun. Every time you kill 2 enemies with your gun you're upgraded to the next weapon, if you get a kill with a knife you are upgraded with one kill. Anyone killed with a knife is demoted to the previous weapon. The match ends when someone cycles through all the weapons.

Day: Hide and Seek
Warden must give Prisoners at least 45 seconds to hide but cannot exceed two minutes from cell opening. Guards must stay in armory and cannot peek out of armory or into vents until it is expansion time. Prisoners may hide in restricted areas except armory and Guards can go into restricted areas without suspicion. Guards must kill all prisoners with the exception of the last two prisoners that reach last request.

Day: No Scope Day
Players will spawn in with scouts and low gravity. Players will have to shoot others without having the ability to scope in with the scout to win the round. Last man standing wins.

Day: One in the Chamber
Each player spawns in with a Desert Eagle which has one bullet in the gun, if you get a kill with the one shot you will be rewarded another bullet. If you miss the shot you will have to knife another player to receive another bullet. The round goes on until there is one player left.

Day: Teleport War
Every time a player shoots another player he will swap locations with the player shot. They will continue to swap locations until one of them is ultimately killed. Round will continue until only one player remains.

Day: Warday
Warday zones must provide Prisoners a safe chance to get guns and leave armory and zones must not be accessible only via a closed-entrance (example: closed door or teleporter). Warday automatically expands at 2:00. Guards must not leave the warday zone until it has been expanded (unless Last CT), and they must not kill outside the warday zone unless they are on-route & were attacked first (self-defense). Prisoners must actively pursue the Guards and you cannot !lr on a warday.

Day: Zombie Day
Prisoners will need to fight to survive the infected CT’s if caught they will be killed. Prisoners will get time at the start of the round to find areas of the map they can hold to fight off the infection. Round ends when either the infected are wiped out or the prisoners are wiped out.

  • The CS Leadership team has answers to your frequently asked questions about the Jailbreak server here.

Rules may be changed by CS Leadership at their discretion without any notice at all. Remember, Jail Break is dynamic and sometimes decisions need to be made. This is a guide, please use common sense when it comes to interpretation of these rules.

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Counter-Strike: Source Server Rules
What is our Dust 2 Server?

Our Counter-Strike: Source server is a casual 32v32 game mode on the iconic de_dust2 map featuring Counter Terrorists versus Terrorists.
  • As a Counter Terrorist your objective is to defend the bomb sites from the Terrorists and prevent them from planting the bomb. If the Terrorists successfully plant the bomb, Counter Terrorists must defuse the bomb.
  • As a Terrorist your objective is to plant the bomb and defend the bomb from the Counter Terrorists attempts at defusal.
What is our Rotation Server?

Our Counter-Strike: Source Rotation Server is a 32v32 game mode featuring the most popular source maps that are available. The server also contains unique features that separates it from the ordinary.

Server Rules:

-No racism, homophobia, sexism or general disrespect allowed.
-Respect all players on the server.
-All players must pursue their team objective at all times.
-No exploits, hacks or barrier jumping allowed. This includes the recent bomb exploit that has been going around.
-All Terrorists must be out of their spawn by 1:30.
-No mic/chat spamming, trolling, camping, delaying or intentionally interfering with teammates.
-No spam buying smoke or flash grenades, and no team flashing.
-If there are less than 5 players per team the objective restricts to A site only. B site should be considered closed until more players join.
-All sprays and avatars must not exceed PG-13 standard.
-Admins always have final say.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all of our servers.

  • The CS Leadership team has answers to your frequently asked questions about the source servers here.
Last edited by a moderator:
Updated May 5th, 2023
  • Whole game section was reworded: Map Games, Non-Map Games, Optional Games, Luck-Based. Games, Opinionated Games, and Illegal games now have there own sections.
  • Bloodhound and ST definitions were added to the main rules.
  • More chat commands added.
  • General reformatting (All of the rules are more or less the same, just reworded/clarified)
Rule changes/clarifications
  • Non-Map luck-based games can only be played after the second game of the day
  • On the first game of the day, the game played must be an unmodified map game.

TTT Server Rules
RULES UPDATED - 6th July 2024
Refer to the text in RED for the latest rule updates.​

How to Play: In TTT, three different roles are randomly assigned to players each round: Innocent, Detective, Traitor.
  • Innocents: An innocent is suspected as a traitor until they have proven themselves to other innocents and detectives. Innocents have to survive and use the process of elimination to figure out who the Traitors are, and kill them.
  • Detectives: A detective is a proven innocent who has access to special equipment to find out who the Traitors are. Detectives are a great asset to the process of elimination, which makes them a high-profile target.
  • Traitors: A traitor is shown as an Innocent to everyone, except for other Traitors. Traitors must use the element of surprise, deception and their special equipment to eliminate all the innocents and detectives without getting caught and killed.

Follow your assigned role, and have fun!

All TTT rules are enforced by our [admins]'s at their discretion - if you have a problem or a concern with how a situation is being handled or need clarification on a rule, please contact a member of CS leadership or use the Contact Leadership section on the forums. Our rules are designed to create and maintain fun and fair game play.

TTT General Rules
  1. Do not Random Death Match (RDM). You need sufficient evidence (see traitorous behaviors below) proving that a player is a traitor to kill them.
  2. Do not ghost - Giving out any information about the game to alive players using any method of communication.
  3. Do not prop kill Map doors/breakable surfaces, Map props Ex. TNT blocks on Minecraft maps).
  4. Do not door spam.
  5. Do not prop surf or glitch on any map.
  6. Do not kill players based off of sound, location, or weapon. You must have DEFINITIVE proof to kill a player.
  7. Do not kill rule-breakers or seek revenge - only shoot in self-defense and not for previous rounds reasons.
  8. Do not use an in-game name that cannot be pronounced or typed.
  9. Do not complain - report rule violations in admin chat (type @ in team chat followed by your message).
  10. Do not kill players just for shooting their weapon.
  11. Do not kill players for not responding to an alive check.

Detective Rules:
  1. Must be actively pursuing the round and may not camp/delay.
  2. May not present a player as a traitor without a valid reason (see traitorous behaviors below).
  3. May not kill a player for disobeying orders.
  4. Need 1 DNA scan on a dead innocent body or detective body before calling a Kill on Sight (KOS) on a player.

Innocent Rules:
  1. Must be actively pursuing the round and may not camp/delay.
  2. May not present a player as a traitor without a valid reason.
  3. May not traitor bait - making it look like you are a Traitor when you're actually an Innocent.

Traitor Rules:
  1. Must actively attempt to complete the objective and may not camp/delay.
  2. May not kill or damage other Traitors unless acting in self defense (includes using map objects).

Item Usage:
  1. Taser (Innocent & Detective) - shooting a player with a taser will display their role in chat and will highlight them for a short period of time
    1. This does NOT kill a player so killing for using this is considered RDM
Non-suspicious Behavior
You should NOT kill for any non-suspicious behavior - the following acts are considered as non-suspicious:
  • Being injured.
  • You walked into their line-of-fire.
  • Self Defense - attacking another player who has intentionally attacked you first (except line-of-fire) without valid reason.
  • Refusing to respond to live-checks, ammo checks, slot checks...etc.
  • Door spamming (this is griefing and should be reported to admins).
  • They are walking as though they have a menu open, not moving or AFK.
  • Being one of many people who have the same weapon used to kill someone or not nearby their death.

Suspicious Behavior
You should NOT kill carelessly and without reasonable or valid evidence or justification. The following are considered suspicious acts:
  • Aiming at, watching and stalking players (all three combined are a single act).
  • Not co-operating with Detectives or being tested.
  • Not responding in a reasonable time-frame when confronted with an accusation.
  • Being the only one with the same weapon used to kill/injure someone else nearby their death.
  • Being called out for 'kill-on-sight' (KOS) by an Innocent.
  • Calling out a KOS on someone who did not damage you first and is an innocent.
  • Being the survivor of a gun-fight, or someone nearby a body - be alert, don't be mindless - identify the body and communicate.
  • Shooting through walls, doors, fences, windows etc. (any plain where you can’t define who is on the other side (See FAQ for questions about this rule).

Traitorous Behavior
You MUST kill for traitorous behavior, failure to do so can be considered as traitorous - the following acts are considered as traitorous:

  • Being called out for 'kill-on-sight' (KOS) by a detective.
  • Shooting around or towards other players, unless for self defense.
  • Throwing lethal grenades towards other players without prior warning, unless for self defense. (Throwing flashes or smokes are NOT Traitorous acts.)
  • Declaring a KOS on an innocent.
  • Calling out Traitors without reason or intentionally making players suspect you are a traitor.
  • Not identifying, hiding, destroying bodies or hanging them to surfaces.
  • Activating any sort of trap that almost, or did kill/injure another player.
  • Stating they killed a traitor, when they did not (assisting in the killing of a traitor, is considered they killed a traitor).
  • Not moving away from your personal space after being reasonably told at-least twice.
    Detail: You are to give a reasonable chance and repeat as some may not hear you over others talking or may not react quickly due to mic-delay; Your personal space is not the room, but rather being too close for comfort.
  • Killing or injuring non-suspicious players, or the detective (unless it was line-of-fire or were attacked first) or a proven-player.
    Detail: A proven Innocent is someone you witnessed kill a Traitor, or tested as an Innocent. They are NOT proven by word-of-mouth.


Random Death Match (RDM)

Killing or injuring teammates intentionally or without care is considered as RDM and is server-punishable - the following are examples:
  • Anyone throwing grenades at random, or without prior warning for your teammates to move.
  • Assumptions based on how a player moves and talks.
  • Anyone killing a teammate with a glitch or any other way without valid reason.
  • Innocents killing solely for minor suspicious behavior (careless and not reasonable).
  • Innocents killing solely for not following request(s).
  • Killing a player for disobeying an order.
  • Killing a player for pointing a gun at someone.

  • Intentionally acting like a traitor is considered griefing and is server punishable. Innocents should not be intentionally committing traitorous acts or claim to be a traitor.
  • Examples of T-Baiting:
    • A player admits to being a traitor (voice chat or text chat). Ex. “I’m a Traitor;” “I’m a T;” “I killed the detective”
    • Shooting or knifing toward/near players for the sole purpose of looking like a traitor.

Miscellaneous Rules
  • Traitor Weapons are NOT a means for a KOS. Some spawn on maps and can be picked up by other players.
  • Chasing a player with a knife or a taser is NOT means for a KOS. Furthermore, evading a taser is NOT means for a KOS.
  • Admins hold the right to take any action deemed necessary in order to maintain server stability.
  • CS Leadership and in-game admins decisions are final.

Out of Map Areas

There are several maps that can be exploited by going out of bounds. This is not allowed. Any area that is not reachable by normal means is considered Out of Bounds.

Exploiting the map does not mean that the player is KOS, and instead should be brought to the admins.

  • The CS Leadership team has answers to your frequently asked questions about the TTT server here.

Rules may be changed by CS Leadership at their discretion. Remember, TTT is dynamic and sometimes quick changes need to be made. This is a guide, but please use common sense when it comes to the interpretation of these rules.

Trouble in Terrorist Town
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